WEBVTT 1 00:00:07.150 --> 00:00:09.540 ITC 105A: Hello, Michael Co. Good morning. 2 00:00:10.230 --> 00:00:20.449 ITC 105A: My name is Alapakhi Mahalia, chair of the Board of Regents. I call this meeting to order like the dollars the presence of other regions. Vice Chair, Lee, Vice Chair, Wilson. 3 00:00:20.750 --> 00:00:25.120 ITC 105A: Regent Abercrombie, is on his way. Regent, Akitake, Regent, Haney 4 00:00:25.380 --> 00:00:29.220 ITC 105A: Vijay Higaki is joining us by Zoom Regent Liu. 5 00:00:29.280 --> 00:00:32.900 ITC 105A: Regent, Mawai, Regent Paloma, and Regent Tochiki. 6 00:00:33.500 --> 00:00:36.210 ITC 105A: I want to just clarify that 7 00:00:36.510 --> 00:00:38.929 ITC 105A: this is a meeting of the Board of Regents. 8 00:00:39.200 --> 00:00:46.110 ITC 105A: and all the all the guidance governing those meetings applies. We're calling it Committee of the Whole, so that we can do the function. 9 00:00:46.140 --> 00:00:51.269 ITC 105A: These meetings will be called for the function of acting as the search committee for our next President. 10 00:00:51.700 --> 00:00:58.680 ITC 105A: But the rules apply to full board meetings apply. That's important for things like decisions we make in these meetings 11 00:00:58.740 --> 00:01:01.530 ITC 105A: have the effect of decisions with the border regions 12 00:01:02.110 --> 00:01:05.119 ITC 105A: at this time. We'll move to public comment. 13 00:01:05.230 --> 00:01:07.290 ITC 105A: Before I call on Jamie 14 00:01:07.430 --> 00:01:10.509 ITC 105A: to move forward. I want to emphasize it. Today. 15 00:01:11.060 --> 00:01:19.579 ITC 105A: I'm gonna be a lot more disciplined about asking testifiers or requiring testifiers to stay to the 3 min limit. 16 00:01:20.110 --> 00:01:26.049 ITC 105A: We have lots of testimony and lots of work to do. In addition, I've gotten some feedback from folks 17 00:01:26.310 --> 00:01:32.079 ITC 105A: who are staying to the 3 min, and they feel it's unfair when the other folks go much longer, so 18 00:01:32.430 --> 00:01:37.709 ITC 105A: as uncomfortable as it will be for me. We will be asking folks to wrap up at 3 min 19 00:01:37.820 --> 00:01:40.160 ITC 105A: and if you continue to go on. 20 00:01:40.270 --> 00:01:47.769 ITC 105A: you know, Michael, get cut off, or you'll be off of zoom. So thanks for your consideration at the outset. Right, Jamie. 21 00:01:53.640 --> 00:01:58.830 ITC 105A: I think it's a chair. So we did receive the Board Office did receive numerous testimonies. 22 00:01:58.910 --> 00:02:07.579 ITC 105A: Commenting on the presidential presidential selection process, both on time and late written testimony that testimony is available on our website. 23 00:02:07.640 --> 00:02:11.839 ITC 105A: We also have a number of testifiers who signed up to provide oral testimony. 24 00:02:11.960 --> 00:02:22.029 ITC 105A: So I'll start by calling the individuals who signed up via to to testify via zoom, and then we'll we'll go to the individuals in this room 25 00:02:22.260 --> 00:02:23.600 ITC 105A: present in the room. 26 00:02:23.890 --> 00:02:28.879 ITC 105A: So first up and I gotta make one more for regents. 27 00:02:28.960 --> 00:02:40.079 ITC 105A: we always have the ability to call testifiers up during our deliberations. So if there's something that someone says and you want to follow up on you, can you can follow up during regular session. Thank you. 28 00:02:44.470 --> 00:02:45.730 ITC 105A: So 29 00:02:46.020 --> 00:02:53.219 ITC 105A: we do have 11 people who signed up to provide a testimony via zoom. But only one person is currently in the 30 00:02:54.160 --> 00:02:55.479 ITC 105A: and our waiting room. 31 00:03:00.370 --> 00:03:02.199 ITC 105A: So I'm gonna call up 32 00:03:04.240 --> 00:03:05.659 ITC 105A: Karla Hayashi. 33 00:03:31.120 --> 00:03:33.320 ITC 105A: So is she in the room. 34 00:03:33.840 --> 00:03:39.219 ITC 105A: So, Carla, you can go ahead and testify when you're ready. I'd like to note the arrival of you can have a problem. 35 00:03:42.130 --> 00:03:44.060 Karla Hayashi: So do you see me and hear me? 36 00:03:44.590 --> 00:04:06.469 Karla Hayashi: Okay, thank you. So good morning, regents President Lazner and attendees. Thank you for the opportunity to testify this morning concerning the search for the next president of the University of Oi System. My name is Karl Hayashi. I'm a faculty member at the University of Voi, at Helo Campus. I am also the president of the Uha Board of Directors. 37 00:04:07.520 --> 00:04:20.630 Karla Hayashi: The authority to select the next president rests with the Board of Regents. The selection process, however, must be inclusive of all the stakeholders, and should proceed in a timely manner intended to identify 38 00:04:20.660 --> 00:04:24.349 Karla Hayashi: qualified candidates who possess the comprehensive, academic. 39 00:04:24.380 --> 00:04:41.009 Karla Hayashi: and administrative knowledge of university operations. The next President must be able and qualified to take the helm of a system that includes the public land grant, Research University campus, and 4 and 2 year campuses situated across the State. 40 00:04:41.370 --> 00:04:53.019 Karla Hayashi: Such an important position deserves the attention and commitment of numerous stakeholders, especially those whose daily experiences will be directly impacted by this individual. 41 00:04:53.580 --> 00:05:11.929 Karla Hayashi: We all agree that the welfare and well-being of students is paramount. their voices need to be represented. In an effort to select a new president. Employees of the University of Hoi system as well as community members must also have their opportunities to be involved in a search process. 42 00:05:12.040 --> 00:05:25.129 Karla Hayashi: An advisory body sounds reasonable, but how will you ensure that our individual and collective voices are heard, listen to, and ultimately contribute to the selection of the next President. 43 00:05:26.020 --> 00:05:50.449 Karla Hayashi: In contrast to the short search process proposed. Consider the following, each campus typically conducts a year long search for a chancellor by including all of the various stakeholders on the search committee, and scheduling a series of opportunities to meet with and hear from each finalist these public meetings, along with meetings with various campus unit members, provides the campus community, the ability to evaluate each finalist. 44 00:05:50.450 --> 00:06:01.400 Karla Hayashi: Why, then, do you propose selecting the next president of such a large and complex system as ours? In less than a year this timeline is rushed and contradictory 45 00:06:02.160 --> 00:06:06.769 Karla Hayashi: concerns about undue influence on this search have already been publicly raised. 46 00:06:06.820 --> 00:06:18.979 Karla Hayashi: Relegating student employee and community voices to a pro forma advisory committee and rushing the search process only reinforces the perception that this may not be an objective and transparent search. 47 00:06:19.040 --> 00:06:27.110 Karla Hayashi: No one is questioning your authority to select the next president. We are, however, asking that the process to identify 48 00:06:27.310 --> 00:06:31.909 Karla Hayashi: the next. President, be inclusive and transparent. Thank you. 49 00:06:33.370 --> 00:06:34.610 ITC 105A: Mala. 50 00:06:35.420 --> 00:06:38.649 ITC 105A: Okay, next up we have Sonya, Jardina 51 00:06:51.970 --> 00:06:53.929 Sonja Giardina: Oliva. Can you all hear me? 52 00:06:54.760 --> 00:06:55.640 ITC 105A: Yes. 53 00:06:56.420 --> 00:07:04.869 Sonja Giardina: great Aloha Michael Cole. My name is Sonia Jordina, and I'm a student at the University of Huamano, in the school of Oceanic art, science, and Technology. 54 00:07:04.920 --> 00:07:13.600 Sonja Giardina: I am speaking to day to express my concerns regarding the Presidential selection process finalized during the December seventh Board of regents meeting 55 00:07:13.780 --> 00:07:24.079 Sonja Giardina: generally. My concerns are regarding the failure of this search process and representing and incorporating students, faculty staff and community members in the selection process for the next president. 56 00:07:24.110 --> 00:07:30.390 Sonja Giardina: my primary concern is about the lack of inclusion of these various stakeholder groups in the Presidential Selection Committee. 57 00:07:30.510 --> 00:07:54.230 Sonja Giardina: which, as it stands is composed of Board of Regents, members. A committee of the whole, composed solely of BOR. Members, does not give voting representation to any stakeholders, and goes against principles of shared governance, and passed through each manual of Presidential selection processes, such as those in 2,009 and 2,013, there were student faculty and community representatives sitting on the Presidential Selection Committee with voting power. 58 00:07:54.520 --> 00:08:12.899 Sonja Giardina: Another concern of mine is the process for selecting the Advisory group. The proposed advisory group is meant to represent community members, faculty staff students and other administrators as to include non board members in the selection process. Currently, the Board of regents holds full authority in appointing the members of the Advisory group. 59 00:08:12.910 --> 00:08:34.840 Sonja Giardina: I, instead advocate that elect existing elected student bodies at are used to select representatives of key stakeholders. The system has already elected student representation through the student caucus which comprises the 11 student governments. There are parallel organizations for faculty that could be used to support the Board of Regents in selecting representative individuals on the Advisory group. 60 00:08:35.330 --> 00:08:43.970 Sonja Giardina: I am also concerned about the Advisory Group's capacity to effect change throughout the process, if only able to provide advice at the request of the Selection Committee. 61 00:08:44.020 --> 00:08:57.679 Sonja Giardina: This does not reassure me that this group of constituents representing many key stakeholders will be given adequate access to provide meaningful input throughout the process. I urge that the advisory group is consistently integrated into the search process. 62 00:08:57.950 --> 00:09:10.810 Sonja Giardina: In addition. considering the critical influence of the role of your President on the University, and hopefully, I would also like to emphasize the importance of quality and careful deliberation over expediency in this selection process 63 00:09:10.940 --> 00:09:27.000 Sonja Giardina: overall. I want to advocate for students faculty and staff and community members to be included in the Selection Committee and given some amount of voting power, it is imperative that those who will be most heavily impacted by this decision are meaningfully integrated into the selection process at every step. 64 00:09:27.390 --> 00:09:43.069 Sonja Giardina: Thank you for taking the time today to consider this testimony. I look forward to seeing action towards a more inclusive search process that brings all stakeholders to the table as you work together on making this decision for the University and for law. Thank you for listening. 65 00:09:46.000 --> 00:09:48.640 ITC 105A: Next up. We have Rosiana Osman. 66 00:09:58.890 --> 00:10:06.060 Rosiana (Nani) Azman: Good morning. My name is Dr. Nadia Aslan. I'm a psychology professor at molly College, and I've been teaching at the University for over 20 years. Now 67 00:10:06.300 --> 00:10:23.040 Rosiana (Nani) Azman: the Presidential search process permitted interaction groups. Final report recommends book. The Bor Higher search firm with Hawaii experience and are who focus to conduct a national search. While this sounds like a good idea in theory, Norway doesn't mention. It would also be a search firm with expertise in higher education. 68 00:10:23.250 --> 00:10:31.069 Rosiana (Nani) Azman: I've done some searches. I can find firms who understand how you sculpture or I can find firms with higher education. Experience live in diagram does not overlap. 69 00:10:31.340 --> 00:10:38.040 Rosiana (Nani) Azman: Given the mistaken urgency that a new President must be hired before fall to submit the budget, which would be nice, but is not necessary. 70 00:10:38.200 --> 00:10:52.760 Rosiana (Nani) Azman: I fear this frenzied artificially time crunch search, which would be will yield either a reliable higher education. Search firm that is clueless about the nuances of our island culture, or a firm that understands the body, but who may treat our university like a business? 71 00:10:52.820 --> 00:11:07.429 Rosiana (Nani) Azman: The former will bring bring us candidates who will likely want to swoop in to save us, and make us more like universities on the Continent, perhaps reminding us of Presidents of Christmas past. The latter will try to impose a Walmart like business model, incongruent with needs of higher education. 72 00:11:07.480 --> 00:11:18.689 Rosiana (Nani) Azman: We are not Walmart. I know that many of you have strong business backgrounds which I respect. But please allow me to explain why university cannot be treated like a business. If the university is a business, then our product would be graduates 73 00:11:18.930 --> 00:11:31.360 Rosiana (Nani) Azman: as a successful business we would have high retention and graduation rates. That's good. The faculty and the different disciplines would be like the vendors. We hope that we're providing the right products, which will be education to attract customers to come to our business. 74 00:11:31.370 --> 00:11:35.749 Rosiana (Nani) Azman: Here's where the analogy falls apart. Who are the customers, the people we're attracting to the store 75 00:11:35.910 --> 00:11:52.140 Rosiana (Nani) Azman: the students. How can it be the students because they're our final product? They do not know of any successful business model in which the customer is also the product. This contradiction is, why treating higher education like a business never works. It's also part of why, for profit universities lose credibility, and their degrees have little value. 76 00:11:52.350 --> 00:12:03.489 Rosiana (Nani) Azman: As you move forward to decide how our university system will proceed. When President Lazner steps down, I asked, you remember why we are all here, faculty, administration, and staff alike right? This university system, for one, may reason 77 00:12:03.510 --> 00:12:18.130 Rosiana (Nani) Azman: to educate our students. Without our students there would be no need for University of Hawaii. Every decision we make must have our students, education and best interest in mind, and we need to remember all of our students and all their diversity across the system at all. Of the different campuses. As we choose, new leadership 78 00:12:18.380 --> 00:12:31.170 Rosiana (Nani) Azman: as a faculty member, teaching at the only institution of Tertiary education for the islands of Valley Malika, Inlandi. I can tell you that very few of my students that was supposedly typical college to do demographic. Most not. Some of my students work full time 79 00:12:31.390 --> 00:12:33.339 Rosiana (Nani) Azman: with families to support. 80 00:12:34.830 --> 00:12:37.699 Rosiana (Nani) Azman: Without. Pardon me. 81 00:12:38.570 --> 00:12:52.880 Rosiana (Nani) Azman: They cannot help me still support. They are lucky if they can squeeze in 6 to 9 credits on top of all the other obligations, but they eventually do so with pride of distinction. for many of my students. If they stop coming to class, it's not because they're lazy or unmotivated. 82 00:12:52.980 --> 00:13:04.130 Rosiana (Nani) Azman: They cannot stop working because they need to pay the bills. They cannot stop taking care of their family because they understand honor and responsibility. In closing. I need to ask, What's the rush 83 00:13:04.140 --> 00:13:11.980 Rosiana (Nani) Azman: before we hire? President Lazarin sent over a year in the search process. I can tell you. When my students at work it can be done quickly, or it can be done properly 84 00:13:12.020 --> 00:13:16.699 Rosiana (Nani) Azman: when we rush, the emphasis is on being done rather than being done. Well. 85 00:13:17.410 --> 00:13:18.890 ITC 105A: please wrap up. Thanks. 86 00:13:19.080 --> 00:13:28.499 Rosiana (Nani) Azman: Last sentence. Thank you. Hiring. The next President is too important to the future of and it needs to be a well thought out, completely transparent process. Mahalo, for your consideration. 87 00:13:28.510 --> 00:13:29.970 ITC 105A: Thank you. Cool. 88 00:13:31.690 --> 00:13:34.400 ITC 105A: Next up we have Christy and Nita 89 00:13:53.300 --> 00:13:55.589 Christie Ann Nitta: Aloha, Board of Regents. 90 00:13:55.660 --> 00:14:01.710 Christie Ann Nitta: Happy New Year to all of you. My name is Christy Anita, chair of the Mono Staff Senate 91 00:14:01.900 --> 00:14:11.449 Christie Ann Nitta: as we come together again today on the same topic. I'm given the honor to once again testify on this topic of the selection of the 92 00:14:12.490 --> 00:14:23.249 Christie Ann Nitta: next President, I would like to reiterate that what we stated on our last testimony that as we move forward with this Presidential search process, the Manor Staff Senate. 93 00:14:23.440 --> 00:14:42.070 Christie Ann Nitta: excuse me, would like to ensure that we have a voice from inception to completion, while we know that the Board of Regents have already been composed of members something that we might wanna look at in the future is and bring that to the table is involving shared governance in the selection of the Board of regents appointees 94 00:14:42.260 --> 00:15:03.840 Christie Ann Nitta: from listening to and reading all other testimonies. It is very clear that moving forward in this projected fashion has major flaws and needs to be analyzed by shared governance and not just the Board of Regents appointees. Thank you so much today for your time consideration and dedication to the University, Mahalo Nue 95 00:15:04.690 --> 00:15:06.140 ITC 105A: Mahalo. 96 00:15:07.510 --> 00:15:16.890 ITC 105A: Okay? So we do have several other individuals who signed up to provide zoom testimony. But they're currently not present. So I'm gonna move to the individuals present in the room. 97 00:15:17.000 --> 00:15:19.250 ITC 105A: First up. We have Dustin Miguel 98 00:15:29.590 --> 00:15:41.169 ITC 105A: better this morning. I find my voice a little better this morning. The last time I testified. I was nervous and I appreciate the opportunity to speak. 99 00:15:41.220 --> 00:15:43.480 ITC 105A: I'm an LGBT studies, Major. 100 00:15:43.910 --> 00:15:54.089 ITC 105A: I have experienced the Classic Research Institution story being an LGBT studies major on and off this campus. 101 00:15:54.400 --> 00:16:06.209 ITC 105A: The next President, to replace President Lassner should be aware of gender and sexuality studies and the hostilities we face on and off campus. 102 00:16:06.850 --> 00:16:12.239 ITC 105A: Before fall 2,023 began. A person moved into my home. 103 00:16:12.360 --> 00:16:14.049 ITC 105A: threatened me with a knife. 104 00:16:14.130 --> 00:16:18.500 ITC 105A: and people on staff, on campus casually spoke about it. 105 00:16:19.580 --> 00:16:28.780 ITC 105A: This is the educational environment I'm living through, coupled with being indefinitely President Lassenar defunded. 106 00:16:29.030 --> 00:16:43.499 ITC 105A: I'm disabled. I can't work and go to school. I was. I'm experiencing violence through poverty because the school refuses to fund an LGBT studies, Major. 107 00:16:43.740 --> 00:16:45.970 ITC 105A: so please keep this in mind 108 00:16:46.140 --> 00:17:00.430 ITC 105A: with the search moving forward also, I will close with. I testified under the authority of the Board of Regents, because the Administration is changing, and I do act. Ask that the Board of regents act. 109 00:17:00.470 --> 00:17:01.790 ITC 105A: Thank you for your time. 110 00:17:02.380 --> 00:17:03.740 ITC 105A: Follow up. 111 00:17:05.579 --> 00:17:18.609 ITC 105A: Okay, I'm gonna call the next 3 names. So we know. So people know who is up next for testifying. So first we'll have Ashley Maynard, and then after that we'll have Branson, Ozama, and Kyson James for us. 112 00:17:23.150 --> 00:17:42.650 ITC 105A: Good morning, regents, President Lassenar. I'm Doctor Ashley Maynard, Professor of Psychology at manoa. I came here to share some highlights of the written testimony. I submitted with Doctor Marguerite Butler, Professor of Life sciences. I hope you will read it and take it seriously, as we are at a serious crossroads at a university, and in our State. 113 00:17:42.960 --> 00:17:58.359 ITC 105A: we agree with others that there should be a fair and open presidential search process, free from legislative interference, and that we ought to follow the national best practice of including faculty chosen by the faculty students and community members in the search committee. 114 00:17:58.370 --> 00:18:12.390 ITC 105A: We must also have a thorough discussion of qualifications that would make the best president of our system. Our system is unique in many ways, and has only one r. One. Research, intensive, doctoral. Granting campus manoa 115 00:18:12.520 --> 00:18:30.909 ITC 105A: because we are one system. It is imperative that the President must also be qualified to be the chancellor of the flagship campus, whether they are separate positions or one. The President must have an academic background as a tenured faculty member at a research university and not be merely a convenient political selection. 116 00:18:31.220 --> 00:18:49.650 ITC 105A: We must have an academic leader of to truly maximize our strengths. Hawaii is the gateway to the Pacific. In geography, earth, history, culture, biological resources, evolution, climate, and many fields of human endeavor. It is the reason why we serve as strategic basis for military installations. 117 00:18:49.650 --> 00:19:03.419 ITC 105A: agricultural experimental stations and Federal agencies, including the East-west Center. We are the only R. One university for thousands of miles. Yet too often it is outside research groups that Spearhead the study of Hawaii's resources. 118 00:19:03.420 --> 00:19:19.899 ITC 105A: An informed academic leader could retain and motivate faculty to lead these enterprises, create opportunities to benefit from the university at every educational level, making the university's resources available to all and drive innovation from our local communities to the world. 119 00:19:20.420 --> 00:19:45.720 ITC 105A: Our institution is currently so far out of alignment that we risk veering off the proverbial road, losing sight of the academic mission. While we agree that administrative concerns and an eye on the budget are important without academic leadership, particularly the Manoa campus, has suffered, for example, discussions of curriculum at the highest levels have centered on mechanics and convenience of integration rather than what's best for student learning. 120 00:19:45.720 --> 00:20:06.009 ITC 105A: As another example, the creation of a campus town where our college of education now stands will have serious repercussions for educational quality. In both the K. 12 and the university systems. An academic leader can help bring. Pardon me. All conversations about the institution, its resources, and its future back into balance. 121 00:20:06.430 --> 00:20:14.609 ITC 105A: Research, teaching, and innovation are central to the mission of the University and the University is central to the mission and health of the State. 122 00:20:14.620 --> 00:20:30.139 ITC 105A: The best person to lead the institution will have the skills and experience, not only to understand what the university does, but also to explain and defend it to others, positioning the institution to lead and make the difference it can make. Thank you very much. Thank you. 123 00:20:40.680 --> 00:21:01.059 ITC 105A: I open an appreciation to really, to the students, to the faculty, and for all who took the time to take time to testify here at this meeting. I know it's set during business hours, so there's often struggles with either it be class conflicts or working conflicts. And schedules. So Mahalo, to those who took the time off to be a part of this 124 00:21:01.060 --> 00:21:17.519 ITC 105A: historic moment. As a community member, President of Asu H, and as chair of the University of Hawaii, student caucus I stand on the positions that have been discussed by our elected bodies that we want more than just a voice, but a choice in selecting the next President. 125 00:21:17.530 --> 00:21:29.220 ITC 105A: although the authority is vested in the Board of Regents through rights, that from what some will call an illegitimate body, it does not set in stone how the regents come to the conclusion of who you select 126 00:21:29.260 --> 00:21:43.819 ITC 105A: in an ideal world. I will say, as my elders taught me, that the past should have a voice, but never a vote. People who will not live with the lasting consequences, should not be the ones deciding the fate of those who will roll through the turmoil. 127 00:21:43.820 --> 00:22:08.809 ITC 105A: And, in fact, we, as young people, should learn from the discernment of wisdom, and also learn to live with the consequences of our decisions. But we live in less than an ideal world. Our student Regent will be ending her term during the process, and with that I request that the regents grant us choice power through other means, and will stand on my written testimony for those recommendations in respect to wisdom. I appreciate the words of Regent 128 00:22:08.810 --> 00:22:21.859 ITC 105A: Wilson at the last meeting, that regents must be willing to take time to plan, so that it may be an expedient, implementation and quality decision rather than be expeditious with a painfully long transition. 129 00:22:21.900 --> 00:22:49.299 ITC 105A: In further response to regents, deliberations. I would say it is not about quick decisions based on what's in front of you, but a need for inclusion, so that we can cover the viewpoints from where you sit, where you sit and from where I stand, so we can cut so that we can see the 360 degrees that's around us. When making this decision, I close with words inspired by the farewell speech of President Eisenhower Eisenhower over 60 years ago. 130 00:22:49.300 --> 00:23:10.850 that authority and power should not overrule the opportunity and benefits of collaboration, shared governments, and the need to engage with humility. that we must prioritize quality over expediency, that decisiveness must not be without consideration of 7 generational thinking, and that our deep biases and undo influences do not go unchecked. 131 00:23:10.910 --> 00:23:21.360 As we all, as always, the historic moment is before us, and I hope that our cause for choice and not just voice, will be adhered to. So Mahalani, for taking the time to listen. Ala 132 00:23:21.650 --> 00:23:22.820 ITC 105A: Mahalo. 133 00:23:33.200 --> 00:23:47.220 ITC 105A: Hello! I'm Michael. My name is Kaisin Konaldo James Fory. I'm a senior from Kawaii on the big island. I'm a current senator for the College of arts and sciences. For Asuh and I serve as our chair of undergraduate academic affairs. 134 00:23:47.330 --> 00:24:08.739 ITC 105A: I'm here today to express my continued concerns regarding the Presidential search process and its lack of meaningful stake stakeholder involvement utilizing a committee of the whole as the Selection Committee, although expanding the range of perspectives, so ignores our University's principles of shared governance, and ignores the voices of students, faculty, and our wider community 135 00:24:08.800 --> 00:24:36.829 ITC 105A: from the perspective of share shareholders. The current approved process by consolidating, voting, both at voiding Puck voting power to the Board of Regents and limiting stakeholders to an advisory group, means that our input, and involvement are minimal at best, and have no lasting impact on the selection of the next president. And although stakeholder involvement is technically achieved through surveys, open forms, and the Advisory group, there still remains nothing to hold the Board of Regents accountable to that. Input. 136 00:24:36.900 --> 00:25:06.370 ITC 105A: Furthermore, surveys and open forums absolutely do not meet what should be considered the minimum for stakeholder involvement. Considering that speaking on what is considered an ideal candidate is drastically different than speaking, on the merits of prospective Presidents of the University of Hawaii, and being able to vote in accordance to those merits, I continue to urge the Board of Regents to consider the inclusion of students, faculty and community members on the Selection Committee and follow the President set the President set by past Presidential search processes. 137 00:25:06.590 --> 00:25:33.869 ITC 105A: having it. Individuals representing these groups sit in on the Selection Committee, not only grants them a well deserve voice and vote, but also ensures that the Board of Regents is not completely out of touch with the opinions and with and views of their stakeholders. Failure to do so on only breeds an environment of mistrust, mistrust between the University's administration and stakeholder groups and fractures. The ability of the future president to start with the full support of the student body, faculty, and community 138 00:25:34.710 --> 00:25:56.669 ITC 105A: in regards to the Advisory group. It is my hope that the Board of Regents considers granting it a position that is more actively involved in the recruitment and selection process, including, but not limited to interviewing candidates providing the Board regents, recommendations, and the ability to communicate in a limited and controlled fashion with their respective stakeholder groups to promote a transparent and inclusive process. 139 00:25:56.960 --> 00:26:06.339 It is further paramount that the advisory group consists of representation from all 10 campuses, both student and faculty as well as community members from across the pie Ina. 140 00:26:07.110 --> 00:26:34.620 ITC 105A: I remain steadfast in my position that the Board of Regents should opt to include students, faculty and community members in the Selection Committee itself, and that a seat at the table is the only guaranteed way that our opinions and voices are considered and accounted for. This presidential search process represents a great opportunity to foster a healthy environment of cooperation across each every level of the University of Y system, and allows every one of us to play a part in building the future of our university, and by extension our beloved. 141 00:26:34.810 --> 00:26:41.199 ITC 105A: And so I urge you, please do not throw this chance away. Thank you for taking the time to listen, Mahalo. 142 00:26:43.990 --> 00:26:45.500 ITC 105A: Yes, up to that. 143 00:26:46.640 --> 00:26:50.580 ITC 105A: Next up we have Mariko Quinn. who will be followed by 144 00:26:51.470 --> 00:26:55.220 ITC 105A: Kaipo, Hatha and Ethan Cruz. 145 00:27:03.480 --> 00:27:19.629 ITC 105A: Alohoma Kako. My name is Mariko Quinn, and I am the current Senator of the School of Ocean Earth Sciences, and technology here at mono. For yeah. Like many others, I'm here today to express my significant concerns regarding the Presidential selection process finalized at the December seventh meeting 146 00:27:20.060 --> 00:27:31.369 ITC 105A: to begin the implementation of the committee of the whole, in which all regents will be included. but fails to give voting power to any external stakeholders is a decision that goes directly against the principles of shared governance. 147 00:27:31.450 --> 00:27:42.589 ITC 105A: Failing to engage faculty staff students and community members by not giving them a voting representative fractures trust immediately between the potential candidates and their future constituents before they even begin the job. 148 00:27:42.690 --> 00:27:53.300 ITC 105A: This decision is especially concerning, as it abandons the precedent of the most recent Presidential search in 2,013, during which there were 3 non-regent voting members to represent several stakeholder groups. 149 00:27:54.140 --> 00:28:04.629 ITC 105A: As previously mentioned. The use of the survey. Open forums and advisory groups as a means to technically fulfill the need for inclusivity falls short of ensuring that stakeholders are meaningfully included. 150 00:28:04.770 --> 00:28:19.230 ITC 105A: There's currently nothing in place that ensures. The regents will meaningfully engage with and consider this feedback. And, more importantly, these surveys and open forums are only to address the position description, which is the first step in a very long selection process. 151 00:28:19.440 --> 00:28:35.880 ITC 105A: While I recognize that this meeting today is meant to focus on the role of the Advisory group alone. I think that it is crucial that the decision of the Selection Committee membership is revisited and reconsidered before we move forward in order to ensure the best possible outcome and transition for the university. 152 00:28:36.840 --> 00:28:57.389 ITC 105A: At the December seventh meeting we heard several regents express concerns that, bringing in representatives of different stakeholder groups would extend the duration of the search process. While I hear these concerns and appreciate these regents that are seeking to fulfill their job description by ensuring a quick change in power. I would argue that by diminishing stakeholder engagement with a small advisory group and a survey 153 00:28:57.470 --> 00:29:19.170 ITC 105A: would function to further delay the acceptance of a new President and also cause long term problems in the relationship between our future President and their constituents. The Board of regents needs to consider the long term problems that the future President will need to address, and how a positive relationship with faculty staff students and the community will support them in doing their job much more effectively. 154 00:29:19.280 --> 00:29:35.310 ITC 105A: Taking time now to execute this search process in an inclusive way will ultimately save time in the future. The role of the advisory group should be expanded in size to include more representation for various stakeholders. The proposed group is meant to encompass a wide variety of stakeholders. 155 00:29:35.560 --> 00:29:51.640 ITC 105A: and it's crucial that the Board of Regents utilize elected bodies to nominate members of the Advisory Committee rather than nominating them themselves. Overall. I really urge the Board of Regents to seriously consider what it might mean to fail to meaningfully include stakeholders at all steps of the process. 156 00:29:51.650 --> 00:30:00.279 ITC 105A: All of us here today are not here representing our own personal interests. We are here representing a collective hope for our participation in our University's future. 157 00:30:00.290 --> 00:30:12.179 ITC 105A: one that could be built on cooperation and collaboration. This is a crucial moment for our university, and we really hope that you listen to us and include more stakeholder involvement. Thank you so much. Thank you. 158 00:30:24.250 --> 00:30:25.340 ITC 105A: Ipohata. 159 00:30:29.060 --> 00:30:36.340 ITC 105A: Sorry. Kind of nervous. First time should've got coffee. But 160 00:30:36.360 --> 00:30:52.910 ITC 105A: I'm here today as a senator at large here at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. I was hesitant at first to testify out of retribution or something. Who knows? But nonetheless, I'm representing the great many students here on our campus. 161 00:30:53.160 --> 00:31:01.319 ITC 105A: But one word comes to my mind when I listen to all of these things I don't understand. I'm still a student 162 00:31:01.420 --> 00:31:03.010 ITC 105A: undemocratic. 163 00:31:03.250 --> 00:31:15.259 ITC 105A: That's the word that lingers over my head when I listen to all these things, not just from students, but from faculty, and to people off our campus undemocratic. 164 00:31:15.310 --> 00:31:21.389 ITC 105A: When we make the process here today, what happens in this room? But when we walk out the door. 165 00:31:21.420 --> 00:31:22.930 ITC 105A: what will happen 166 00:31:23.130 --> 00:31:38.230 ITC 105A: in this confusing transition of leadership at the University of Hawaii a sense of democratic participation has become increasingly absent, a process which concerns not just every faculty, member and student here at Manoa campus. 167 00:31:38.540 --> 00:31:41.240 ITC 105A: but at every campus in the system. 168 00:31:41.660 --> 00:31:48.760 ITC 105A: I believe that while the input and feedback from the board of Regents is required and can be good 169 00:31:49.220 --> 00:32:05.399 ITC 105A: and a good way of evaluating the future. President. The failure to bar the very people who will be affected by this leadership should, too, have a voice within the process, saying that a student pull is enough, is insulting. 170 00:32:06.060 --> 00:32:11.699 ITC 105A: Let us build a better University of Hawaii, so we can build a better Havoi. 171 00:32:11.930 --> 00:32:13.420 ITC 105A: Simple, right. 172 00:32:14.560 --> 00:32:24.790 ITC 105A: I would also like to remind people to listen to the people who are elected by the student body. We are acting on that voice. 173 00:32:25.000 --> 00:32:37.349 ITC 105A: We're not here with any hatred or any group behind us, or whatever reason. But we're speaking. I'm speaking from my now, and I'm going to take the bullet real quick, and I'm going to say I trust all of you. 174 00:32:37.410 --> 00:32:48.269 ITC 105A: I do. You all like Capuno. You have knowledge that I've never seen, and who knows I've seen you guys resumes who the stuff is big, you know mine just get like 5 words. 175 00:32:49.010 --> 00:33:11.409 ITC 105A: But if I'm going to trust you, will you trust me. Will you trust the students here on our campus? Will you be able to walk out this store and hold your head up high to all the students. I know each and every one of you 2 have had all the final counts up there. I know each and every one of you have also taken those own risk in your own lives, even if they're small. 176 00:33:11.510 --> 00:33:21.260 ITC 105A: I've seen that with you. How you guys have spoken to, and the system that you guys have to navigate around. But please take that step 177 00:33:21.290 --> 00:33:28.510 ITC 105A: because we're following in your footstep to tomorrow's Hawaii is our Hawaii as well, Mahalo. Thank you. 178 00:33:29.170 --> 00:33:53.529 ITC 105A: Good day, board. I'm Ethan Hoppy Cruz. I'm a student at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, and I'm an employee. 179 00:33:53.950 --> 00:34:16.310 ITC 105A: I am here today to express my concern with regards to the findings of the PIG. One, and convey my support of the spirit of the Associated students of the University of Hawaii at Manoa's Senate. Resolution. O. 5, 2, 4, demanding student faculty and community inclusion on the Presidential Selection Committee, which explains 180 00:34:16.429 --> 00:34:28.900 ITC 105A: that we oppose the use of a search firm to vet and screen applicants and believe that the duty of the search committee be limited and put up for further discussion for student faculty and community input. 181 00:34:29.150 --> 00:34:38.999 ITC 105A: and that we demand that one. The BOR. Form a Presidential selection committee that includes stakeholders from students, faculty staff 182 00:34:39.040 --> 00:35:07.449 ITC 105A: will call counsel and consider broader community representation, such as cultural practitioners and 2, the demanded Presidential Selection Committee be tasked with the recommending 2 to 4 unranked finalists to the Bor to consider. It is in the best interests of the Board of Regents to employ the most democratic process in the election of the next President to forge rounds for a relationship of trust between the President and those they are meant to serve. Thank you. 183 00:35:08.720 --> 00:35:09.990 ITC 105A: On offer. 184 00:35:15.710 --> 00:35:22.740 ITC 105A: Okay. Next up next up we have Afton Cone will be followed by Aaron Sante and Jarrett. Leon 185 00:35:27.800 --> 00:35:29.470 ITC 105A: is aft in here. 186 00:35:38.930 --> 00:35:40.370 ITC 105A: Aaron Santo 187 00:35:47.880 --> 00:36:00.619 ITC 105A: Aloha regents, and President Lesner. My name is Erin Sinto, and I'm testifying today as chair of Manoa Faculty Senate, and as Co. Chair of the Acc. Fsc. Which is the all campus Council for Faculty Senate chairs. 188 00:36:00.820 --> 00:36:07.880 ITC 105A: First, thank you for all of your work that you continue to do for University of Hawaii and for the Presidential selection process. 189 00:36:08.490 --> 00:36:20.220 ITC 105A: On December thirteenth, 2,023, the Manoa Faculty Senate unanimously passed a resolution that supported previous testimony that I provided on behalf of the Manoa Faculty Senate Executive Committee. 190 00:36:20.590 --> 00:36:25.150 ITC 105A: Today I want to reiterate that testimony on behalf of Manoa Faculty Senate. 191 00:36:25.330 --> 00:36:50.320 ITC 105A: We understand that, according to Article 10, Section 6 of the Hawaii State Constitution, the Board of regents has the authority to appoint the president. However, we believe that the proposed University Hawaii presidential selection process goes against best practice and policies of shared governance, and does not allow an official voice of the faculty to contribute to the recommendation of the next president 192 00:36:50.620 --> 00:37:01.890 ITC 105A: hiring a president, and is one of the most essential tasks of the Board of Regents. As you are aware, previous Presidential Selection committees have included Key stakeholders. 193 00:37:01.950 --> 00:37:11.080 ITC 105A: The Selection Committee must consist not only of a committee of the whole, but also of faculty staff students and community members. 194 00:37:11.260 --> 00:37:16.630 ITC 105A: An advisory group is very different from official participation in a selection committee. 195 00:37:16.780 --> 00:37:29.270 ITC 105A: As stated in the Report, an advisory group advises as requested, where those on a selection committee can be part of all of the conversations and voice their opinion whether it is requested or not. 196 00:37:29.480 --> 00:37:36.979 Having a representative representative Selection Committee is consistent with suggestions from numerous national organizations 197 00:37:37.400 --> 00:37:47.370 ITC 105A: on behalf of the Acc. Fsc. I'd like to add that we passed our own statement regarding the Presidential search process on December 18 2,023 with unanimous vote 198 00:37:47.430 --> 00:37:52.719 the Acc. Fsc. Submitted its own testimony. But I'd like to reiterate a couple of important points. 199 00:37:53.110 --> 00:38:16.429 ITC 105A: first, similar to Mfs. And many others that are here today. We ask that there be an inclusive Presidential Selection Committee that goes beyond the Board of Regents Committee of the Whole, and includes stakeholders, including faculty staff students and community members. Second, that an additional advisory committee still be established that includes additional stakeholders. 200 00:38:16.460 --> 00:38:24.669 ITC 105A: And finally, this process needs to be transparent and widely inclusive, similar to previous Presidential search committees. 201 00:38:24.760 --> 00:38:36.850 ITC 105A: I appreciate and welcome the Board of Regents. Interaction with the Manoa Faculty Senate and Accfsc on the Presidential search. Mahalo nui, for allowing me to testify today. 202 00:38:55.150 --> 00:38:56.050 ITC 105A: Start. 203 00:38:56.300 --> 00:39:03.719 ITC 105A: Okay. So Aloha regents. my name is Jared Leong. I am the current 204 00:39:03.750 --> 00:39:29.459 ITC 105A: A. Staff council chair, which represents all the staff at the University of Hawaii, and the Staff Council is a collection of staff representatives who are elected from their respective campuses which includes most of the campus staff leadership, their campus chairs from all 11 campuses. And again, we include system as one of those campuses because they do have a lot of staff there. 205 00:39:29.850 --> 00:39:41.889 ITC 105A: We want us to say that we stand by our written testimony. We've done testimonial for the last 3 meetings. And hopefully, you guys were able to read those. We do stand by that. And I do wanna mention 3 main points. 206 00:39:42.100 --> 00:39:50.200 ITC 105A: First, we, we still want to reiterate that we would like to be included in a core search committee and not an advisory 207 00:39:50.250 --> 00:39:51.440 ITC 105A: role. 208 00:39:51.770 --> 00:40:01.319 ITC 105A: We would like to be included from the beginning phase, and that that includes being part of the process to determine the whatever firm you guys decide. 209 00:40:01.840 --> 00:40:09.680 ITC 105A: And I also like to advocate for additional seats for staff, especially considering that we do have 2 and 4 year campuses. 210 00:40:10.360 --> 00:40:23.829 ITC 105A: We do want to offer a suggestion, I think, was similar to what the faculty were suggesting. Allow shared governance groups on the Core Search Committee and potentially have an advisory group with more representatives. 211 00:40:24.550 --> 00:40:29.689 ITC 105A: you know my final thought is, we recognize that the 212 00:40:29.960 --> 00:40:34.190 ITC 105A: that you are given the authority and responsibility to select the next President. 213 00:40:34.260 --> 00:40:43.710 ITC 105A: But as I teach in my public administration leadership course. just because you can, doesn't mean you should. And just because you have the right to 214 00:40:43.960 --> 00:40:57.079 ITC 105A: something doesn't mean you have the right to. That is the right thing to do, and I believe that this board, this board of regents, knows what's right. I know a lot of. You know exactly what's the right thing to do, and I'm hoping that you're willing to stand your ground 215 00:40:57.240 --> 00:41:07.300 ITC 105A: and really voice that concern today. I will be available during deliberation. If you guys have any questions, thank you for the opportunity to testify. 216 00:41:10.260 --> 00:41:13.159 ITC 105A: Okay, next next up we have Sam 217 00:41:14.730 --> 00:41:15.950 ITC 105A: Sam Peck. 218 00:41:16.120 --> 00:41:20.039 ITC 105A: who will be followed by Canoe Beretto and Shannon, Hennessy. 219 00:41:28.330 --> 00:41:30.320 ITC 105A: Aloha Mike Coco. 220 00:41:34.200 --> 00:41:44.709 ITC 105A: Thank you to the regents and to President Lazner for being here today. My name is Sam Peck, and I'm a senior here in the sustainability sustainability program at manor. 221 00:41:45.000 --> 00:41:55.849 ITC 105A: I'm here to testify to day to my strong belief that the Presidential Presidential selection process finalized on December seventh is exclusive, colonial and racist. 222 00:41:56.110 --> 00:42:06.340 ITC 105A: refusing to grant decision-making power to students and to the local community. The board demonstrates unacceptable disregard for the well-being of us students, and to rightly as a whole. 223 00:42:06.600 --> 00:42:12.839 ITC 105A: this only extends and strengthens the legacy of colonial extraction from Havatu's Aina and its people. 224 00:42:12.890 --> 00:42:25.840 ITC 105A: If, as it claims, the Board seeks to do it as best for us and provide you through shared governance, it must grant full decision, making power to representatives from the student body, local community, and cultural practitioners 225 00:42:26.790 --> 00:42:40.490 ITC 105A: to close. I will say this, finding yourself through rhetoric is easy, for it is through action that you say what is really in your heart. So to the Board members assembled today. And, President Lazner, I ask what really say 226 00:42:40.670 --> 00:42:43.460 ITC 105A: I don't have and thank you for your time, all of them. 227 00:42:59.170 --> 00:43:05.709 ITC 105A: Vilina Oco. My name is Kanola Kanihala Ventura Bretto. I'm a freshman from Kailua. 228 00:43:05.990 --> 00:43:15.480 ITC 105A: I'd just like to say, first of all, that I wholeheartedly agree with the suh, resolution related to the Presidential selection process. 229 00:43:15.970 --> 00:43:33.860 ITC 105A: And you know this whole process. It may, has made me think about. When I was a senior at Colau High School, and representative of mono visited our college and career center, and I learned that the University of Hawaii is the third largest industry in the Hawaiian Islands. 230 00:43:34.000 --> 00:44:03.979 ITC 105A: You know, an archipelago of over a million people. And so when I think about the impact that the President has, it's beyond, you know, the almost 50,000 students. Even beyond the Hawaiian Islands, it gets to millions, if not billions of people. And we consider the research that has been done historically related to such chemicals as Agent orange and roundup, or the failed attempts to construct a 30 meter telescope on, and there are very severe political consequences. And 231 00:44:04.360 --> 00:44:12.999 ITC 105A: you know, if the process is not democratic and it's not taking into account these viewpoints and these concerns, then 232 00:44:13.100 --> 00:44:29.869 ITC 105A: it's oligarchy, really, if it's such a small number of people impacting such a massive population even beyond our shores, and someone who's recently been organizing around the issue of the genocide in Gaza. I would also say that it's 233 00:44:31.660 --> 00:44:41.249 ITC 105A: very concerning to see an administration at this university that you know, kind of tries to, you know. 234 00:44:41.680 --> 00:45:09.429 ITC 105A: Treat all sides with Aloha and respect. But I mean, at what point do people draw a line in the sand and say that something is morally wrong, and it's really concerning to see that that line in the sand has not been drawn, and that instead, this kind of facade of all we're just trying to, you know. Consider everybody's, you know, opinions. And what have you? It's it's very concerning to see an administration and a university that won't take these strong moral stances when lives are at stake. So that's what I'll say. But yeah. 235 00:45:10.210 --> 00:45:11.160 ITC 105A: I'll look. 236 00:45:27.260 --> 00:45:35.580 ITC 105A: Hello, my Kaku! My name is Shannon Pullmakati Hennessy. I am a Ph. D. Student in the Political Science Department. Here at manual. 237 00:45:35.910 --> 00:45:56.020 ITC 105A: I joined many others today to testify regarding agenda. Item, A regarding the potential action in the Presidential search process and primarily concern that the Presidential selection process as finalized during the December seventh Board of Regents meeting fails to effectively include students, faculty staff, and community members. In selecting the next president. 238 00:45:56.020 --> 00:46:13.950 ITC 105A: I am here because a trusted friend brought this issue to my attention, an issue that affects not only myself and my peers as students and graduate workers, but also my family and broader community as residents of Hawaii and native Hawaiians, and even my future children. As potential students of this institution. 239 00:46:14.240 --> 00:46:34.889 ITC 105A: I understand the need to focus on this university itself. However, the fact is that, as Canoa said, and so many before me said, as the leading public institution of higher education in these islands. Any decisions made here will affect all of Hawaii. The decision for the next leader of the institution especially, will impact those within these university walls and beyond. 240 00:46:34.940 --> 00:46:59.689 ITC 105A: and we, as members of the student, body and community, at alleges to serve, deserve a voice and a choice in the selection process. With that in mind. I would like to highlight and amplify the excellent points and suggestions that Asu H. And its leaders have already made. First, the implementation of a selection committee of all members of the Board of Regents which does not give voting representation to any external stakeholders, goes directly against the principles of shared governance. 241 00:46:59.830 --> 00:47:11.079 ITC 105A: As Asu, H. Senator of So. S. Mariko Quinn mentioned, the Board ought to consider, including non-board members of the Selection Committee with voting power, as they did in 2013 242 00:47:11.090 --> 00:47:14.600 ITC 105A: rather than relegating them to a largely performative advisory group. 243 00:47:14.930 --> 00:47:39.909 ITC 105A: Second, as Marika also suggested, to expedite this process of forming the expanded committee or an advisory group with voting power. The Board should utilize elected bodies to nominate members of the advisory committee rather than nominating members. Student members themselves. For example, the student caucus represents students from all 10 HU campus campuses, and can facilitate a brief elections to select student representatives for the Selection Committee. 244 00:47:40.010 --> 00:47:46.000 ITC 105A: Other similar elected bodies that have spoken today for faculty and staff can be utilized also in this way. 245 00:47:46.550 --> 00:48:11.479 ITC 105A: Finally, I want to highlight a section from one of the sources that the permitted interaction. Group pig, one employed in the 2023 article. What you need in your next, President. Search. Consultant Suzanne Tier quotes Donald Gould, chair of the board at Pittsburgh College, who oversaw the recent Presidential search. He said, the change in leadership provides an opportunity to pause and consider where the college is today and what it needs next in the next leader. 246 00:48:11.740 --> 00:48:18.660 ITC 105A: giving all constituencies, a voice in that process leads to a greater acceptance and support of the candidate who is ultimately selected 247 00:48:18.820 --> 00:48:31.300 ITC 105A: to prevent the input from major stakeholders. This institution purportedly serves is to do a disservice to both the new candidate who will be unfairly judged, based on selection criteria outside of their control and the institution 248 00:48:31.310 --> 00:48:43.960 ITC 105A: given the present selection process, it's very probable that the Board only Selection Committee will not reflect the needs, or once, of the larger campus. I urge you to seriously reconsider the present Presidential selection process, if not for me, than for the kind of university. 249 00:48:44.120 --> 00:48:50.419 ITC 105A: and more broadly, who? What you hope to build one that fairly represents the people it's supposed to serve. 250 00:48:55.000 --> 00:49:03.320 ITC 105A: Okay, we do have one other individual who signed up via Zoom is online. Now, Mr. Arcard Daniels Pintur. 251 00:49:13.360 --> 00:49:30.190 ITC 105A: my name is Cardenas Pintor. I was originally supposed to be on zoom. But now I'm here in person thankfully. and I am the Asu H. Senator of the colleges of social sciences, health, and so health, sciences, and social welfare. 252 00:49:30.560 --> 00:49:50.239 ITC 105A: I have nothing much to add from what other speakers have already said, but I do remember this one thing from one of my social work classes, which is the difference between empathy and sympathy. Sympathy is pretty much distress. Understanding that someone is distressed and going through some problems 253 00:49:50.290 --> 00:49:58.989 ITC 105A: empathy is actually taking is actually having the action to help others to be there. 254 00:49:59.570 --> 00:50:04.649 ITC 105A: You are giving us a voice on this decision as students, and 255 00:50:04.730 --> 00:50:12.030 ITC 105A: for the faculty you're giving us a voice on the Presidential selection. Whenever you give us a voice that is sympathy. 256 00:50:12.180 --> 00:50:16.969 ITC 105A: because, even though you're hearing it, it goes through one ear out the other. 257 00:50:17.700 --> 00:50:30.770 ITC 105A: You're not giving us any action. You're not giving us a vote. You're not giving us a choice which is more effective and it is empathetic. So I ask for a little bit of empathy 258 00:50:30.880 --> 00:50:34.500 ITC 105A: within this selection process. Mahalanui. 259 00:50:35.670 --> 00:50:53.119 ITC 105A: We could say that conclusive. That's the money that the Board Office that we see before I move on to agenda items. I just want to thank everybody who took the time to submit testimony or give testimony in person and 260 00:50:53.570 --> 00:51:03.419 ITC 105A: I also wanna. And I also thank the testifiers for honoring the time limits. Much appreciated. but also that I thought the testimony was. 261 00:51:03.430 --> 00:51:09.459 ITC 105A: you know well, well thought, well delivered, well crafted, and especially the student testimony. 262 00:51:09.520 --> 00:51:14.200 ITC 105A: I could see my fellow regents really moved by the thought and 263 00:51:14.660 --> 00:51:26.560 ITC 105A: intentions that went into those statements. So thank you very much. Also, before we move into our agenda items. I gonna use chairs, prerogative and opine. But I think 264 00:51:26.710 --> 00:51:33.760 ITC 105A: we're talking about the presidential process. And one of the things I'm happy about 265 00:51:34.010 --> 00:51:47.440 ITC 105A: is that we are running this process about as openly and transparently as you possibly could. We? We asked our pig one to do a monumental lift in a short period of time to propose something 266 00:51:47.950 --> 00:51:58.409 ITC 105A: for the for the intention of it being able to be seen by the public right, and it was. It was in front of the public eye for a for a meeting we couldn't comment on, so lots of folks got to see it. 267 00:51:58.620 --> 00:52:03.969 ITC 105A: have feelings and pop about it, rally support. And then we got to talk about it ourselves at the last meeting. 268 00:52:04.910 --> 00:52:11.369 ITC 105A: I think that's why we see so many people able to come and voice their opinion. And I think that's part of this process. 269 00:52:11.470 --> 00:52:15.050 ITC 105A: And today we'll get a chance to talk further about how do we incorporate 270 00:52:15.410 --> 00:52:20.369 ITC 105A: the thoughts and views of our of our community into our work. So hopefully. 271 00:52:20.540 --> 00:52:29.710 ITC 105A: this is an example that our process will continue to be open, transparent, accessible, and our decisions are remind folks are being made in the public. 272 00:52:30.180 --> 00:52:32.790 ITC 105A: This, the committee that we've set up 273 00:52:32.950 --> 00:52:43.090 ITC 105A: is meeting agendized open testimony at all stakes. I think that's a positive sign as well. So, but that note move to agenda items. 274 00:52:43.620 --> 00:52:52.490 ITC 105A: Further deliberation, decision making regarding the final report for the Presidential search process permitted interaction. Group form pursuant to section 92, dash 2, 275 00:52:52.710 --> 00:53:01.880 ITC 105A: thought 5 B. HRS. To investigate and make recommendations regarding the Presidential search process and potential action on the Presidential search process. 276 00:53:02.290 --> 00:53:10.759 ITC 105A: Item one is selection 2 K dot, one roles responsibilities, function, makeup and membership selection process of the advisory group. 277 00:53:10.920 --> 00:53:21.750 ITC 105A: Okay? All that stated for the record. The way I'm gonna ask us to organize this conversation, cause I'm sure lots of us have thoughts and feelings and suggestions. 278 00:53:21.820 --> 00:53:24.390 ITC 105A: I'm gonna bucket it into 3 279 00:53:24.540 --> 00:53:36.210 ITC 105A: categories hopefully. And the first is for us to just tackle. What are we asking the advisory group to do? So we're gonna project onto the screens. We can all see it, and those watching can see it. 280 00:53:36.490 --> 00:53:47.819 ITC 105A: What's currently being asked or phrased. And then we get a chance to talk about, do we wanna elaborate on that clarify it. Add to it sort of. So we can be. 281 00:53:48.380 --> 00:54:00.299 ITC 105A: we can accept the recommendations as is or we can amend. So the first thing I'm gonna so I'm gonna note the report says we'll provide advice to committee of the whole as requested. 282 00:54:00.980 --> 00:54:09.049 ITC 105A: The first thing I'm going to ask is if we could amend that to say, we'll provide advice and recommendations to the Committee of the whole as requested. 283 00:54:09.320 --> 00:54:15.150 ITC 105A: and the addition of recommendation and consultation with Council allows us to give the advisory group 284 00:54:15.190 --> 00:54:25.600 ITC 105A: decision-making tasks. If we leave it to advice, then it's just, you know, common. So if we could add that then we have the ability to give them decision making tasks. Did I get a motion to that effect? 285 00:54:25.840 --> 00:54:34.579 ITC 105A: A motion to consider what? 286 00:54:34.880 --> 00:54:44.760 ITC 105A: Okay? So within a second, that we add, provide advice and recommendations. Discussion. Regent Abercrombie. Good. Mr. Chairman. And members. 287 00:54:45.050 --> 00:54:47.110 ITC 105A: yeah. 288 00:54:48.840 --> 00:54:56.139 ITC 105A: I hope you can hear me. Okay, I'm having, as you know, a little bit of bit of difficulty on occasion with with hearing 289 00:54:56.290 --> 00:54:59.910 ITC 105A: a 290 00:55:00.040 --> 00:55:08.459 ITC 105A: prior to well, actually, so, a comment on just exactly what we're talking about. I think we need to recognize 291 00:55:08.550 --> 00:55:11.980 ITC 105A: the incredibly the professional 292 00:55:12.030 --> 00:55:18.109 ITC 105A: and helpful work that the Regent staff has done. 293 00:55:18.320 --> 00:55:23.750 ITC 105A: and putting all of this together. More particularly 294 00:55:23.800 --> 00:55:30.700 ITC 105A: in the light of the testimony which II I'm sure, along with everybody else. I've read every bit of the testimony. 295 00:55:30.710 --> 00:55:32.380 ITC 105A: including today 296 00:55:32.550 --> 00:55:47.370 ITC 105A: every single bit. And the what what the staff has provided us in terms of previous search groups. All of that going back. Pre Pre. President Greenwood. 297 00:55:48.540 --> 00:55:55.600 ITC 105A: I think the decision that we made this this is in in conjunction with what you just said about 298 00:55:56.040 --> 00:56:03.419 ITC 105A: openness, inclusiveness, transparency involving faculty staff students, alumni and the and the broader community. 299 00:56:03.740 --> 00:56:07.110 ITC 105A: The the survey that's going on now. 300 00:56:07.430 --> 00:56:27.280 ITC 105A: I believe, is going to produce the single, most open, complete, thorough process of examining what is involved in the selection of a President that has ever taken place in the State of Hawaii, and will match anything, and possibly exceed anything that's been done with any other university. 301 00:56:27.530 --> 00:56:40.490 ITC 105A: Again, the staff has provided us with an enormous broad array of of information with respect to what other universities, whether, what other regions other trustees have done. 302 00:56:40.930 --> 00:57:02.810 ITC 105A: My understanding is, is that, the survey that we put out, which has 6 excellent questions. On it is being responded to by faculty, by staff, by students, by alumni, by the the broader public, in the hundreds and hundreds and hundreds 303 00:57:02.840 --> 00:57:31.309 ITC 105A: of responses, and there, and these responses are coming. In writing detailed writing, I am told that we are going to be the recipients, and the Advisory committee will be the recipients of an incredible amount of of trenchant dialogue and and discussion with respect to what is expected of of the University and and the Presidential selection process. So 304 00:57:31.620 --> 00:57:57.320 ITC 105A: I see. And every one of the testimonies that we we've had so virtually every one of the testimonies we've had so far this request for inclusion and and respect for the opinions and and and judgments and analysis of students, faculty staff the public alumni, and so on. That's coming in 305 00:57:57.730 --> 00:58:16.000 ITC 105A: literally again, hundreds and hundreds of commentaries, thousands of questions being answered in writing. So II think we should, we need to put to rest. That the Advisory Committee is some kind of peripheral marginal 306 00:58:16.000 --> 00:58:42.080 ITC 105A: adjunct to what we're doing as the regents. On the contrary, we see that if I if if if I if I'm speaking generally here for what I understand, we, we have done to this point. the Advisory Committee is a crucial and fundamental a. A joined operation with us in terms of us being able to make the decision we're required to do by law, and have sought to do 307 00:58:42.280 --> 00:58:58.769 ITC 105A: what? Just one other point there going over what's what's the the previous records? This is not an adverse commentary on previous regions or previous selection committees, or anything. But it's crystal clear to me that 308 00:58:59.820 --> 00:59:02.160 ITC 105A: and it's ironic that 309 00:59:02.430 --> 00:59:03.650 ITC 105A: having 310 00:59:03.670 --> 00:59:15.330 ITC 105A: a a selection committee with one special interest group represented, and and an individual over here, and a couple of regents and and a mishmash all put together. It doesn't work. 311 00:59:15.590 --> 00:59:25.200 ITC 105A: It really doesn't work. It ends up actually truncating faculty staff and and students and alumni. 312 00:59:25.400 --> 00:59:48.400 ITC 105A: The the process we've initiated with the survey and with what is is proposed for the role of of the advisory committee will be the most inclusive, the most public, the most transparent, the most comprehensive. Body of of information and perspective that any board of regents will have had in the selection of of 313 00:59:48.540 --> 00:59:50.050 ITC 105A: a President. 314 00:59:52.020 --> 00:59:56.710 ITC 105A: Other discussion on the motion to add the the phrase and recommendations. 315 00:59:59.790 --> 01:00:04.830 ITC 105A: seeing none. All those in favor of the addition say, aye, any opposed 316 01:00:05.860 --> 01:00:12.080 ITC 105A: Right now. The only stated assignment 317 01:00:12.530 --> 01:00:22.050 ITC 105A: you know, practice statement to the Advisory group is that at least one member of the Advisory group will attend the open forms in each county. So 318 01:00:22.210 --> 01:00:25.199 ITC 105A: To reach Abercrombie's point. I actually also believe 319 01:00:25.310 --> 01:00:33.059 ITC 105A: that this group will use an advisory body in a in a very deliberate, intentional way. 320 01:00:33.240 --> 01:00:41.770 ITC 105A: The question I have is, Do we do, and that will play out in the things we ask them to do right, and the advice we asked them to give us 321 01:00:41.960 --> 01:00:47.990 ITC 105A: that no matter what we say today with proof will be in the pudding. and II actually agree with you. Jabber from me. 322 01:00:48.510 --> 01:00:50.170 ITC 105A: I faith in us. 323 01:00:50.700 --> 01:00:52.269 ITC 105A: But currently 324 01:00:52.450 --> 01:00:56.399 ITC 105A: community doesn't. The the trust is clearly not there. 325 01:00:56.590 --> 01:01:00.170 ITC 105A: So my question is, do we want to add specific 326 01:01:00.700 --> 01:01:06.100 ITC 105A: tasks for that advisory group? Now that we would we could add to the list and codify. 327 01:01:06.400 --> 01:01:07.510 ITC 105A: Simple. 328 01:01:07.530 --> 01:01:10.640 ITC 105A: are we ready for that? So I open that discussion up. 329 01:01:12.220 --> 01:01:18.370 ITC 105A: Mr. Chairman, II quite agree with that. 330 01:01:18.790 --> 01:01:19.580 ITC 105A: us. 331 01:01:20.770 --> 01:01:35.589 ITC 105A: I'm not sure I wanna take up the the time right now. But the the previous searches that have been made have come up with precisely that kind of criteria, and there's whole. Listen here rather than 332 01:01:35.690 --> 01:01:40.619 ITC 105A: then take the the time right now. But if if 333 01:01:40.820 --> 01:02:03.750 ITC 105A: maybe by the time of the end of that. Well, let me ask you this. Do you want? Do you want a list of? Because I can? III it's not me personally, but I have have lists here that have that probably our representative of dozens and dozens of searches that have gone on to for the for presence. It's it's not a wheel. It has to be invented. 334 01:02:04.160 --> 01:02:06.590 ITC 105A: Yeah, it's a it's an invitation 335 01:02:07.090 --> 01:02:14.229 ITC 105A: my sense is. There's some things that we might all agree would be great to get the advisory groups assistance with. 336 01:02:14.660 --> 01:02:18.819 ITC 105A: and if we start to populate that now that some trust will be built. 337 01:02:19.140 --> 01:02:22.369 ITC 105A: he's in my way. 338 01:02:22.740 --> 01:02:31.730 ITC 105A: I think it's worth articulating. Kind of what in a more concrete stance, what the advisory role is gonna look like, because 339 01:02:31.750 --> 01:02:35.670 ITC 105A: from looking at their survey responses and from hearing testimony today. 340 01:02:36.300 --> 01:02:40.990 ITC 105A: regardless of of what people's opinion are on the process that we've already chosen. 341 01:02:41.270 --> 01:02:42.750 ITC 105A: there is 342 01:02:42.910 --> 01:02:45.730 ITC 105A: clearly a desire 343 01:02:45.830 --> 01:03:02.290 ITC 105A: to legitimize the advisory group. And I think that it should be our goal today to kind of hammer out what weight we're gonna give to the advisory role like you're saying to create that public trust, but also because it's important. And I don't think any of our board 344 01:03:02.290 --> 01:03:23.420 ITC 105A: wants to just ignore what people have to say, that's why we appreciate testimony. So I think that this should be one of our folks or our main focus today is to really ensure that there's adequate representation. There's adequate roles, and that we don't just listen to them. But we figure out what that role is gonna be and how we're gonna interact with them going forward. 345 01:03:23.900 --> 01:03:24.600 Boom! 346 01:03:25.370 --> 01:03:26.360 ITC 105A: Mahalo 347 01:03:33.420 --> 01:03:34.800 ITC 105A: Bridgetoshiki. 348 01:03:36.010 --> 01:03:36.830 ITC 105A: I'm 349 01:03:37.110 --> 01:03:49.379 ITC 105A: can I float some ideas at this point? Is that sort of where this might. So so let let me try floating, because, you know, if the so, the goal is transparency. The goal is voice and choice. 350 01:03:49.480 --> 01:03:55.659 ITC 105A: right and and and honoring the the constituents. So 351 01:03:55.720 --> 01:04:01.950 ITC 105A: if that is since that's where we wanna go. Might this group 352 01:04:02.740 --> 01:04:06.059 ITC 105A: select the firm? 353 01:04:06.260 --> 01:04:10.110 ITC 105A: I'm I'm gonna just throughout. So my, just select the firm 354 01:04:11.110 --> 01:04:14.840 ITC 105A: work with a firm to evaluate 355 01:04:14.970 --> 01:04:16.150 ITC 105A: candidates 356 01:04:17.320 --> 01:04:24.139 ITC 105A: coming from the firm and provide the Selection Committee, the Board of Regents with 357 01:04:24.520 --> 01:04:26.200 ITC 105A: some number 358 01:04:26.410 --> 01:04:30.520 ITC 105A: of candidates that would then proceed to a more public 359 01:04:30.970 --> 01:04:41.519 ITC 105A: for process. So let me just throw that out. I don't know if you want that as a motion, but it seems like it might be premature as a motion. 360 01:04:41.560 --> 01:04:52.179 ITC 105A: And and it's a good example that of the kind of things that this advisory group might have much of the same functions that the Selection Committee of the past had. 361 01:04:52.550 --> 01:05:06.499 ITC 105A: But the way I interpret what what this Board did is, they said, we want to be more involved. We wanna do more of the left. The region ever probably was very expressive of this earlier, since we have to make the decision. Why don't we do more of the work? 362 01:05:06.990 --> 01:05:27.329 ITC 105A: And I respect that. So I think we're in this place. Okay? Great. Well, what we certainly wanna honor the role of our stakeholder community in the broader community. So that's for that balance. So I appreciate regions which you can lifting up an example. The Advisory Group could have much of the same functions as previous selection committees. While we still hold the ultimate decision. 363 01:05:27.350 --> 01:05:29.180 ITC 105A: Regent Wilson. 364 01:05:32.820 --> 01:05:44.950 ITC 105A: I think one of the things that's gonna be critical is to define. You know what it is we're looking for in terms of the experience, the skill 365 01:05:44.970 --> 01:05:51.789 ITC 105A: to and do that in a context of really understanding and having a discussion 366 01:05:51.830 --> 01:06:09.459 ITC 105A: about what? Where we headed as an institution where we need to move towards as an institution, so that we can identify what are the key things that we would be looking for? In a President 367 01:06:09.520 --> 01:06:11.320 ITC 105A: in order to achieve that. 368 01:06:11.640 --> 01:06:17.719 ITC 105A: So I think that's that's very critical that we focus on that first 369 01:06:17.800 --> 01:06:28.550 ITC 105A: before we. And and look at that, you know, is that something that is the advisory committee's role. 370 01:06:28.670 --> 01:06:42.719 ITC 105A: I believe it should be, and and would that would that be covered if the task was to come up with the selection criteria with the recruiting firm. Alright, that'd be an example of something we could correctly add. The advisory group would come up with that criteria 371 01:06:42.810 --> 01:06:45.100 ITC 105A: with the recruiting firm that we select 372 01:06:45.820 --> 01:06:50.070 ITC 105A: other other thoughts. questions, suggestions. 373 01:06:52.060 --> 01:07:01.499 ITC 105A: If not, I'll just quickly opine to Rito Cheeki's point. 1 one of the other things we could do. But hybrid would be to give the advisory group 374 01:07:01.610 --> 01:07:17.519 ITC 105A: much of the actual. you know, processing deliberation, discussion. But they would be bringing those, every one of those decisions to us for ratification, so that there'd still be a balance of them being fully involved making the recommendations. 375 01:07:17.540 --> 01:07:22.270 ITC 105A: But then we would vote for every single thing along the way. And because we're planning on meeting twice a month. 376 01:07:22.710 --> 01:07:26.240 ITC 105A: and then we we could have that cadence reasonably. 377 01:07:28.100 --> 01:07:31.240 ITC 105A: Other thoughts question. Reach Abu Kraumi. 378 01:07:31.940 --> 01:07:41.730 ITC 105A: Yeah, thank you. We we again. This is reading through all of the the way this has happened in the past, here and elsewhere. 379 01:07:42.140 --> 01:07:43.300 ITC 105A: you. You 380 01:07:43.470 --> 01:07:55.120 ITC 105A: have to define the scope of your search in order to do that, the regions have to have. What is it that they want in? And a President, and of course, the Advisory Committee. And again, believe me, I read it 381 01:07:55.200 --> 01:07:58.580 ITC 105A: over and over and over again. Everybody wants the same thing. 382 01:07:58.740 --> 01:08:19.010 ITC 105A: In fact. President, lastner when he was a candidate by nomination for for the Presidency outline page after page of what is expected of a President 383 01:08:19.040 --> 01:08:26.459 ITC 105A: undertaking. By the way, which, I'm sure you'll agree is there? So that's that's not gonna be hard to do. 384 01:08:26.540 --> 01:08:40.690 ITC 105A: so you first. W. What do we need in a present? What are we looking for? What? What's defi defining leadership needs? Right? Like Ernie? Ernie says, I think. Then you you 385 01:08:40.830 --> 01:08:56.649 ITC 105A: what? What's required then is, are you gonna have a search firm. Do this as an as an initial step, or are you gonna go to the Advisory group and and the regents working together? To do this? 386 01:08:57.140 --> 01:09:02.780 ITC 105A: My conclusion is is that it's a complete waste of time and money 387 01:09:02.910 --> 01:09:08.319 ITC 105A: to get a so-called search firm in. 388 01:09:08.470 --> 01:09:27.720 ITC 105A: it it it they have their own agendas, the the the the search firms take an average of of 4 to 7 months or longer before they're ready to go. They they reach out to to candidates and and 389 01:09:28.319 --> 01:09:31.849 ITC 105A: and resources that are part of their agendas. 390 01:09:32.279 --> 01:09:38.999 ITC 105A: And over and over again you see, in the in the history of these firm surges 600, 391 01:09:39.160 --> 01:09:47.339 ITC 105A: 700 contacts are made. Then they end up with between 70 and a and 100 392 01:09:47.410 --> 01:09:52.869 ITC 105A: actual applications. And maybe 50 nominations come in 393 01:09:53.060 --> 01:10:09.900 ITC 105A: hundreds of contacts are made. And then, when those nomination, when those applications and nominations, all the search committees, regardless of whether it's regents and trustees, or whether it's an amalgam of various interests. They immediately go down to about 15 394 01:10:10.000 --> 01:10:36.700 ITC 105A: people. The first cut cuts dozens and dozens out in the first cut. I just think it's a. It's. It's wasting our time. It's wasting money. It's it's it, it it debilitates the the Advisory Committee by by having the search committee. I think we we we need to empower. If you're gonna have an advisory committee that's meaningful and empower them to to get moving. Get cracking on on this point. I one of the things II certainly 395 01:10:37.250 --> 01:10:42.600 ITC 105A: I would love to see the Advisory group empowered 396 01:10:42.610 --> 01:10:44.190 ITC 105A: because there's a lot of work to do 397 01:10:44.630 --> 01:10:51.609 ITC 105A: right, and so it for so so for those who want to stick to a timeline and be expedient like, the 398 01:10:51.710 --> 01:10:57.359 ITC 105A: the more we divide up that work, and the more we share the the lift, the you know, the faster we can go while still being 399 01:10:57.450 --> 01:10:58.610 ITC 105A: deliberate. 400 01:10:58.710 --> 01:11:04.379 ITC 105A: So I think again, my my proposal. Is that right now? What we're what we're really discussing is. 401 01:11:04.740 --> 01:11:09.940 ITC 105A: or how much what's being assigned to the visory group rejoicing? 402 01:11:11.040 --> 01:11:13.000 ITC 105A: Sorry I didn't need to interrupt. 403 01:11:13.050 --> 01:11:21.719 ITC 105A: I guess I'm still trying to wrap my head around how these 2 will interact. And this is just an idea. 404 01:11:21.930 --> 01:11:25.230 ITC 105A: I'm I'm I wonder if 405 01:11:25.340 --> 01:11:31.999 ITC 105A: you know, we're gonna agendize everything that we're gonna be doing at the meeting, if the advisory. So we know 406 01:11:32.090 --> 01:11:38.190 ITC 105A: what might, what decisions will be made where we are in the process and the advisory because they can meet 407 01:11:38.280 --> 01:11:42.729 ITC 105A: together. Yes, I just come from with 408 01:11:42.780 --> 01:11:49.740 ITC 105A: counsel. What are the what are the sunshine law requirements on the Advisory group. Is it dependent on the functions that they're assigned? 409 01:11:52.910 --> 01:12:04.509 ITC 105A: The limitations are only on the regions if they're sitting on such a group? But not so so, Regent. That is correct. And I and we do have an executive session scheduled today in case we have to dive deeper into 410 01:12:04.660 --> 01:12:08.440 ITC 105A: these issues. But our understanding is, if they could move more 411 01:12:08.540 --> 01:12:24.699 ITC 105A: absolutely. So if we have, say we got all the proposals from the search firms in, and we know we're not gonna make a decision at the next meeting. Then we in this advisory group, they can can meet and talk about and discuss 412 01:12:24.770 --> 01:12:26.639 ITC 105A: the proposals. 413 01:12:26.850 --> 01:12:34.470 ITC 105A: and then we all meet, and they're here, and we all talk about it. I guess I'm not quite understanding 414 01:12:34.980 --> 01:12:37.649 ITC 105A: how this the vote. 415 01:12:37.680 --> 01:12:43.170 ITC 105A: this this vote comes into play. Because II think we've shown that 416 01:12:43.860 --> 01:12:49.280 ITC 105A: when we're all here and we're discussing, we find consensus and 417 01:12:49.330 --> 01:12:57.149 ITC 105A: alone, like when we were put in Pig one. We did the best we could with 5 members, and clearly we didn't 418 01:12:57.220 --> 01:13:16.860 ITC 105A: have all the perspectives, cause we weren't allowed to. And when we were able to put that out to the broader community. We got great feedback and realize we had to change things. That was recommended in our pay. 1 one report. So with, is that a structure that's possible where we know what's coming up the advisory can 419 01:13:17.480 --> 01:13:21.549 ITC 105A: discuss it. I'm I'm getting the look from our legal counsel. 420 01:13:22.300 --> 01:13:38.319 ITC 105A: What? What are your thoughts, Carrie? So Again, preference would be to discuss, fully advising you in exact session. As opposed to yes, no answers which are incomplete, but I would respectfully 421 01:13:38.650 --> 01:13:42.419 ITC 105A: ask John a Vpa. About procurement. 422 01:13:42.460 --> 01:13:52.760 ITC 105A: so I know your question, your your hypothetical broader than just the selection of the search firm. But I think there's a restrictions on 423 01:13:53.580 --> 01:13:57.830 ITC 105A: all of that information being published before decisions made 424 01:13:57.980 --> 01:14:00.530 ITC 105A: all right understood. So I 425 01:14:00.940 --> 01:14:13.510 ITC 105A: that is a little why we have to. We can't enumerate exactly what? Everything that we're gonna ask advisory to do, because there are going to be limitations like that 426 01:14:13.660 --> 01:14:15.529 ITC 105A: that come up. 427 01:14:16.390 --> 01:14:17.809 ITC 105A: go ahead. Others have. 428 01:14:22.630 --> 01:14:26.969 ITC 105A: I'm gonna go to the regions that have questions right? But I think 429 01:14:27.940 --> 01:14:35.099 ITC 105A: this is the right conversation in terms of how are we? Gonna it's what I hear is clear. There's the intention for us is to 430 01:14:35.340 --> 01:14:39.230 ITC 105A: is to empower this group, to do a lot of the left, and so 431 01:14:39.650 --> 01:14:50.000 ITC 105A: some of this will be. They'll believe it when they see it. Some of it is, what can we say today that gives confidence. And the other point is, it's gonna help us recruit members of the Advisory Board if they know we're asking them to do. 432 01:14:50.100 --> 01:14:51.280 ITC 105A: So 433 01:14:51.440 --> 01:14:59.290 ITC 105A: that's what we're trying to do this morning. Reach Abercrombie. Yes. I I'm glad it was brought up about the sunshine law 434 01:14:59.660 --> 01:15:14.970 ITC 105A: again. The material that the staff has provided Se. Shows us over and over again, and they and and it mentions other States. Other institutions are subject to their various aspects of sunshine laws, all of which messes the process, though 435 01:15:15.110 --> 01:15:27.290 ITC 105A: for everybody that testified here today. and everybody that sent in the testimony. not one single person or one single group. yet of of the testimony mentions the sunshine law 436 01:15:27.520 --> 01:15:50.429 ITC 105A: with respect to the inclusion and the and the transparency, and all the rest of it. Much of it is all theoretical about. About this inclusion, but the practical reality is is the advisory group. They get to talk with one another, they get to commiserate with one another. They get to intellectually arm, wrestle with one another. The regents 437 01:15:50.720 --> 01:16:02.959 ITC 105A: we're hamstrung. I could use a lot stronger language than the chairman knows that I've used it in the past about what the so called sunshine law does to the border regions. We are really dependent 438 01:16:03.070 --> 01:16:19.749 ITC 105A: upon the integrity and the and the and and the character and and the hard work that an advisory can committee can can do, because they can engage in conversation and discussion and analysis that that we can only do. Essentially, sometimes in executive session. 439 01:16:19.970 --> 01:16:25.849 ITC 105A: So we can't bring up the the. I was going to mention that we can't bring up the search firms 440 01:16:26.120 --> 01:16:52.830 ITC 105A: and do it, cause the second should do that. You're gonna have to publish what it is. Some idiot will come in. Well, I gotta take. I gotta withdraw. Idiot is that part of the minutes now? some group or individual with their own agenda. I guarantee you the second, you bring up the search, for we do the second. We have any exchange with you folks out there. You're serious about what you're doing. You gotta remember, we have the sunshine law. You don't. 441 01:16:53.000 --> 01:16:57.389 ITC 105A: So we have to be super careful about what we say and what we do 442 01:16:57.470 --> 01:17:06.299 ITC 105A: and what we ask, because somebody's going to come in and say, Oh, under the sunshine! Law, you gotta do this. And one of the things that's crystal clear, Mister Chairman. 443 01:17:06.450 --> 01:17:23.599 ITC 105A: If from all of the reading, and all of the material we've got is confidentiality is absolutely crucial. If you're going to be, have a successful search for President, regardless of what criteria you set up for. You have to have confidentiality. And the the 444 01:17:23.810 --> 01:17:31.350 ITC 105A: the Advisory group has to understand. This isn't a free for all that you get to engage in where you shoot your mouth off to the press. 445 01:17:31.640 --> 01:17:46.550 ITC 105A: Some of the people who have have testified, for example, here today, but nice, sober of serious presentation to the Board of Regents. I've listened to some of the very people who testified here shooting their mouths off on television 446 01:17:46.730 --> 01:17:52.099 ITC 105A: about what's going. You do that. And we're going to be in serious trouble under the the sunshine law. 447 01:17:52.110 --> 01:18:04.089 ITC 105A: We're gonna have an advisory committee. They have to understand. They're gonna have to sign confidential confidentiality agreements. If they have to work with one another, they're gonna have to have confidential understandings with one another. 448 01:18:04.380 --> 01:18:18.130 ITC 105A: So my my point really is here is that this search firm business? We gotta be real careful. I'm I'm against it because I know I know for a fact. The sunshine law is gonna come in and it's gonna delay us, probably for months. 449 01:18:19.270 --> 01:18:20.270 ITC 105A: You mustn't. 450 01:18:24.070 --> 01:18:33.449 ITC 105A: Yeah, I, you know, I go back to, you know, even when we talk about, I hear some discussion about well, the search firm. 451 01:18:35.860 --> 01:18:36.720 ITC 105A: Excuse me 452 01:18:37.500 --> 01:18:48.080 ITC 105A: it. That was those started to talk about the thing that we've been talking about region I've become it talked about. This has to do with the search for 453 01:18:48.110 --> 01:19:13.089 ITC 105A: you know, to me, part of this is, we need to focus on what do we not? Only what do we want the Advisory Committee to do? But what do we want? The search firm to do, I mean in in terms of, because to me, if you hire a search firm, you tell them these are the key indicators that we're looking for. This is what we require. 454 01:19:13.090 --> 01:19:22.579 ITC 105A: You know, the the person must meet these qualifications, and then to me they do their job, going out and trying to identify 455 01:19:22.580 --> 01:19:43.239 ITC 105A: people would be able to do that. But I still go back to the fact that we need to have. And I think this is the, as you said, would be a job of the Advisory Committee really defined first what it is we are looking for, you know, if if we're gonna if use a simple example. 456 01:19:43.240 --> 01:20:00.569 ITC 105A: if you know, I'm the I'm the coach of a professional football team. And I'm I'm looking for a a wide receiver. Okay, what are the qualifications that we need to have of a wide receiver? Well, one. The the time that they can do the 40 or dash in. 457 01:20:00.570 --> 01:20:21.539 ITC 105A: See how fast are you know what's there been their record kind of thing. And I think that's the focus, the first that has to be made, and I think that would be a job of the Advisory Committee which would be need to be made up a representative of the constituencies that we heard here today 458 01:20:21.880 --> 01:20:26.180 ITC 105A: thought so suggestion. And I just want to see Regent's reaction. 459 01:20:27.380 --> 01:20:29.310 ITC 105A: How would we feel about 460 01:20:30.180 --> 01:20:37.870 ITC 105A: articulating, changing the language right now to say that 461 01:20:38.220 --> 01:20:45.310 ITC 105A: this advisory group would provide advice and recommendations on all aspects of the Presidential search. 462 01:20:49.640 --> 01:20:57.120 ITC 105A: And and again, this doesn't mean they make decisions. We all the decisions are still held by this body. We that's the Selection Committee's job. 463 01:20:57.280 --> 01:21:07.360 ITC 105A: We could still in the future dispersed specific decision making. But it says that that group can opine on on any matter 464 01:21:09.650 --> 01:21:13.050 ITC 105A: I go to Regent Haney 465 01:21:18.540 --> 01:21:31.209 ITC 105A: at 1 point. Finally, towards the end of the testimony, I heard something that I was listening for. which was the addition of accountability or responsibility to the word authority, as our roles in this 466 01:21:31.860 --> 01:21:39.959 ITC 105A: when you throw that in for which there can always be a consequences. It changes the level of the discussion. 467 01:21:40.440 --> 01:21:46.130 ITC 105A: I would encourage anyone who has doubts about 468 01:21:47.410 --> 01:21:49.079 ITC 105A: here. Start over again. 469 01:21:49.760 --> 01:21:54.860 ITC 105A: government by plebiscite usually doesn't work. It's too big. They're 470 01:21:55.100 --> 01:22:08.139 ITC 105A: 2 ways to bog down a process. One is by non inclusion, and the other is by over inclusion. Somehow or another, we're going to want. At the conclusion of all of this, a group with identified responsibilities 471 01:22:08.270 --> 01:22:11.060 ITC 105A: that, in in fact, is functional 472 01:22:11.130 --> 01:22:15.070 ITC 105A: does not, does not require too much retooling. 473 01:22:15.460 --> 01:22:30.920 ITC 105A: There will be people who are undoubtedly going to be unhappy at one end of that spectrum, and people who will be unhappy at the and the other end of the spectrum. Ultimately, what we have to be able to do is satisfy our consciences, that to the extent permitted by the existing rules governing us. 474 01:22:30.970 --> 01:22:35.490 ITC 105A: We, in fact, acted in good faith to the people who are sitting in the audience 475 01:22:35.590 --> 01:22:44.890 ITC 105A: and and virtually in the audience right now, and that may sound a little airy fairy in its way. But II think that's 476 01:22:45.000 --> 01:22:47.399 ITC 105A: been been been true of 477 01:22:47.680 --> 01:22:54.900 ITC 105A: Any any process that mixes function with idealism. 478 01:22:55.640 --> 01:23:00.690 ITC 105A: Hmm, hmm! And so here's where I was hoping to go with this 479 01:23:00.820 --> 01:23:14.519 ITC 105A: any time that we, when when we, when you encounter a sunshine law in any context elsewhere. Here it's because somewhere along the line 2 people lost trust in each other. 480 01:23:15.100 --> 01:23:21.400 ITC 105A: There was a failure and trust, and that started the process going. And now what we have is a case of over. 481 01:23:21.600 --> 01:23:24.129 ITC 105A: in my view, at least over scrutiny 482 01:23:24.250 --> 01:23:29.569 ITC 105A: of people who were elected. You can't possibly get all of the stock holders into this room 483 01:23:30.230 --> 01:23:38.110 ITC 105A: won't be possible. And yet, on some level, we're expecting the regions to be trustworthy and selection of this process. 484 01:23:38.310 --> 01:23:39.500 ITC 105A: What helps 485 01:23:39.740 --> 01:23:50.410 ITC 105A: assure that is the Regent selection process. And for anyone who has any doubt about how we are. how we arrived here at these comfortable seats around a table with pleasant company. 486 01:23:50.590 --> 01:23:56.049 ITC 105A: Go to the Webpage and have a look at the Regents Advisory Council and see the process. 487 01:23:56.360 --> 01:24:20.330 ITC 105A: It won't be perfect, but it's indicative of a number of people who have made a commitment to act in good faith on behalf of those in the University spoken for much too long. I wish I had been as brief as young man was from the Students Association moments ago, but on that last point I did a quick check of regents. How many regions, you know we're students or alumnus of 488 01:24:21.570 --> 01:24:24.189 ITC 105A: How many students have their faculty. 489 01:24:24.310 --> 01:24:27.530 ITC 105A: and how many regions of faculty. any staff. 490 01:24:29.150 --> 01:24:30.360 ITC 105A: So 491 01:24:30.560 --> 01:24:34.609 ITC 105A: to the other point, right beside, besides the criteria. 492 01:24:34.820 --> 01:24:45.769 ITC 105A: these are folks that you know the parents. How many parents? Right? Yeah, we pay tuition bills to the University of yeah, this this group that not only has been vetted. 493 01:24:46.290 --> 01:24:52.150 ITC 105A: has deep ties to the university. Right? Yeah. Vijayakitaki and Amiji Paloma. 494 01:24:56.630 --> 01:25:00.140 ITC 105A: Well, I wanted to respond to your question. 495 01:25:00.170 --> 01:25:01.790 ITC 105A: and that 496 01:25:02.290 --> 01:25:08.950 ITC 105A: right at at any part of the process. To me I feel it's inherent that we listen to our 497 01:25:09.050 --> 01:25:27.910 ITC 105A: constituents councils, the people who have come today. I didn't feel like we were excluding them at all when we initially we're meeting coming up with this, and I think 2 and a half weeks as a pig meeting what felt like every other day. 498 01:25:27.950 --> 01:25:31.529 ITC 105A: And so so really, I think 499 01:25:31.790 --> 01:25:46.260 ITC 105A: the the assumption that we are not going to listen or don't want to listen should not be construed in that way. It was never meant to be exclusive. It was actually meant to be inclusive. 500 01:25:46.400 --> 01:26:05.650 ITC 105A: And I and I recall when we started right, who would be on this advisory committee. You could go down a rabbit hole for days and days and days. We started. We, you know, you could start making a list. I think the list got by by the time it got to like 30 plus members, community faculty staff. 501 01:26:05.660 --> 01:26:08.110 ITC 105A: the the logistical 502 01:26:08.510 --> 01:26:17.619 ITC 105A: like. How would you do that logistically to have every person in the room at every meeting. 503 01:26:17.630 --> 01:26:46.770 ITC 105A: and and so I think what I think. What I recall is, we started with the and then present. Last night you can remind us the 4 governing bodies that are officially recognized. Was the start right? And then you start to add on names and councils and groups, I mean within within the Faculty Senate, I mean, there's committees, and there's representation. And I and I realize that everybody wants a piece of the pie. 504 01:26:46.800 --> 01:26:52.950 ITC 105A: but but what I think I was the most troubled about by the testimony and the 505 01:26:53.180 --> 01:27:11.669 ITC 105A: The initial survey responses which were about over 700 to date. Was that the meaningful inclusion which is, which is what was repeated in many of the letters, and in many of the the testimony was that meaningful inclusion meant a seat at the table for a vote. 506 01:27:11.700 --> 01:27:23.959 ITC 105A: and meaningful inclusion is a very subjective word, and I think we're trying to define that which is really difficult at this point in time, because we are early on in the process. 507 01:27:24.190 --> 01:27:25.539 ITC 105A: and and so 508 01:27:25.710 --> 01:27:32.769 ITC 105A: to answer your question. Yes, right. II expect that we, as as a board of regents, include 509 01:27:32.780 --> 01:27:38.250 ITC 105A: that meaningful inclusion at every at every point of the way. 510 01:27:38.690 --> 01:27:43.319 ITC 105A: And and to me, that's actually inherent in the process, and not a separate 511 01:27:43.580 --> 01:27:52.430 ITC 105A: item that we need to separate or address. But but that is my perspective, that it is included in that whole process. 512 01:27:52.490 --> 01:28:20.579 ITC 105A: I do also wanna say having having done recruitments for chief executive positions, having a search firm does have its benefits. I realize that because this is so visible we. I think we also talked a lot about having our Border regents staff. If there were 700 applicants just like how there were 700 responses to the survey. 513 01:28:20.580 --> 01:28:47.559 ITC 105A: Someone has to vet through that. Whether it be Hr. Someone has to make sure that they meet the minimum qualifications. Someone has to make sure that they have the academic whatever the minimum qualifications are desired qualifications, and that really the search firm was to be used more as a administrative and logistical tool rather than providing guidance towards the actual 514 01:28:47.960 --> 01:28:49.540 ITC 105A: candidate. 515 01:28:49.590 --> 01:28:55.319 ITC 105A: I don't know if I can articulate as well, but really to help tee it up for 516 01:28:55.420 --> 01:29:24.980 ITC 105A: us as regents and and the Advisory Committee, so that the administrative burge burden, I mean, I can't imagine us opening envelopes or responding to emails individually, I mean the so anyways, that's kind of my not on the search firm. But really, II feel like we we have to. We're obligated to, and that's how we find respect with each other. 517 01:29:24.990 --> 01:29:43.069 ITC 105A: II will just say one more comment, and then I'll close that the II will say the comments really struck me as there is a definite distrust of just the Board of Regents itself. There were some UN, of course, so we can't address every 518 01:29:43.070 --> 01:30:01.080 ITC 105A: error, but we are unpaid volunteer board. There are more than one. There's more than one Kanaka Mali. There's more than one Hawaiian on this board. That we have a student regent who has voting authority, who is a part of our everyday, every single meeting. 519 01:30:01.080 --> 01:30:13.580 ITC 105A: Ii do believe that there is distinct representation on this board if we saw it by also alum faculty, parents, and so 520 01:30:13.580 --> 01:30:31.490 ITC 105A: if if we could, the the trust goes both ways, I feel that if right? And to into the student Mahalo, for reminding us that right they are entrusting us to make this decision, and I want to entrust in them. That we will make the right decision. So, Mahalo. 521 01:30:33.570 --> 01:30:44.890 ITC 105A: my my thoughts, my comments, were going to be directly along the lines of Regent Paloma, also building on Regent paining Governor Abercrombie talking about. 522 01:30:45.390 --> 01:31:06.949 ITC 105A: II feel like a lot of the comments and the testimony sort of are questioning our individual intentions as regents. Our desire to be open, and inclusive, and just echoing what Regent Paloma said? You know we were in pick one. Not was not the intention. 523 01:31:07.010 --> 01:31:20.370 ITC 105A: Again we were put in a small group, and we did the best in a very short amount of time as a starting point, and so I appreciate everyone's input here. And we came to a a better 524 01:31:20.750 --> 01:31:21.980 ITC 105A: informed 525 01:31:22.350 --> 01:31:26.010 ITC 105A: decision when we put it all out there. 526 01:31:26.650 --> 01:31:28.679 ITC 105A: also, I want to say 527 01:31:28.720 --> 01:31:39.490 ITC 105A: along the lines of what Regent Abercrombie was saying about non-disclosure agreements, and conflicts of interest. You know I spoke about this at the last meeting, and in pig one just to 528 01:31:39.770 --> 01:31:58.720 ITC 105A: about the public trust in us regents, I mean, we went through a thorough process to get here. As Regent Paloma said. We represent different groups here, faculty staff alumni, parents, former students. We also file financial disclosure agreements. That's you know. 529 01:31:58.750 --> 01:32:03.299 ITC 105A: out there. And so we're held to a high standard here. So 530 01:32:03.370 --> 01:32:07.509 ITC 105A: the the questioning, your intention intentions here is 531 01:32:08.560 --> 01:32:15.590 ITC 105A: particularly as we're volunteers. that's a little disappointing, and I and I hope we can. 532 01:32:15.880 --> 01:32:27.460 ITC 105A: We can clarify that today that it's not our intention to exclude people. I hope you can see by our discussions that we're we're listening, and we're trying to include 533 01:32:27.490 --> 01:32:31.610 ITC 105A: everyone. I also want to speak to Regent Mawai. 534 01:32:32.130 --> 01:32:37.979 ITC 105A: She is an amazing student region. I know I have not been here that long. But if 535 01:32:38.070 --> 01:32:45.279 ITC 105A: and and maybe everyone's not watching the entire length of the meetings, we've had very long meetings. 536 01:32:45.450 --> 01:32:46.870 ITC 105A: She speaks up. 537 01:32:46.900 --> 01:33:03.930 ITC 105A: she's prepared, she's articulate. She speaks for the students. We all appreciate her opinion, and she's not shying away from these topics. And so to the extent that you know our intentions are being questioned in ways, and 538 01:33:03.980 --> 01:33:10.059 ITC 105A: she's sitting here speaking for the students. I'd like to say I think she's doing a really wonderful job. 539 01:33:10.700 --> 01:33:11.610 ITC 105A: Thank you. 540 01:33:13.960 --> 01:33:15.840 ITC 105A: By Shirley. Well. 541 01:33:16.800 --> 01:33:22.110 ITC 105A: chair, getting back to the wording on on the recommendation. 542 01:33:22.650 --> 01:33:34.880 ITC 105A: I can see modifying it to it was advice and and recommendation. But yeah. Additional wording you wanted was, I think, a little too 543 01:33:34.970 --> 01:33:36.260 ITC 105A: wide open. 544 01:33:36.650 --> 01:33:39.350 ITC 105A: I think 545 01:33:39.500 --> 01:33:43.439 ITC 105A: we can assign the advisory committee. 546 01:33:43.510 --> 01:33:50.930 ITC 105A: What to do. But if it's too wide open. It's not gonna they may not be focused and productive. 547 01:33:51.560 --> 01:33:59.589 ITC 105A: And so I just add the the and recommendation. But the other wording 548 01:33:59.700 --> 01:34:01.290 ITC 105A: I don't think so. 549 01:34:03.140 --> 01:34:05.700 ITC 105A: Appreciate by Shirley kind of taking the 550 01:34:07.090 --> 01:34:14.419 ITC 105A: think the task for us now is, are we moving forward as it is with that small amendment right? And we're gonna 551 01:34:15.320 --> 01:34:20.670 ITC 105A: come up with specifics going forward. Are we going to lay some down 552 01:34:21.450 --> 01:34:23.500 ITC 105A: today? 553 01:34:24.320 --> 01:34:26.000 ITC 105A: I my my own? 554 01:34:26.130 --> 01:34:31.210 ITC 105A: I respect Vicely's 555 01:34:31.250 --> 01:34:39.130 ITC 105A: position. That's not mine. I feel like whether we give. If we form an advisory group, they're going to opine on every aspect of the search 556 01:34:39.740 --> 01:34:43.900 ITC 105A: as and II think that's what I heard. Regent follows it. That why wouldn't they do that? 557 01:34:44.530 --> 01:34:49.649 ITC 105A: Ii think I would expect them to do that, because that's what we want. 558 01:34:49.760 --> 01:34:55.929 ITC 105A: Yeah. So for me, it's like, it's just like saying it upfront. Yeah, we get it that you're gonna give us your feedback 559 01:34:56.090 --> 01:35:07.820 ITC 105A: and we will welcome it when you give it the the issue about what tasks they get, I think, and if the wording could be amended so that is clear. That doesn't mean you get to make decisions on whatever you want. 560 01:35:08.370 --> 01:35:17.519 ITC 105A: It's that we respect your feedback on every aspect of anything. Now, the irony is because we create a committee of the whole. 561 01:35:17.910 --> 01:35:23.200 ITC 105A: That's gonna be true for every single thing we decide, because it's gonna be agendize and folks can come testify 562 01:35:23.780 --> 01:35:29.639 ITC 105A: all faculty. All students, all staff, can give their direct feedback to us on anything we decide to do. 563 01:35:30.270 --> 01:35:39.809 ITC 105A: The Advisory group is just an elevated group that it actually kind of takes us off the hook because we don't have to answer to every single testifier. We can say, well, we're trusting the Advisory group. 564 01:35:40.850 --> 01:35:47.210 ITC 105A: We're trusting the faculty member that you appointed, or remember you appointed. That's who we're taking our guidance from. 565 01:35:47.430 --> 01:35:50.370 ITC 105A: So it's an interesting, you know. Where where 566 01:35:51.340 --> 01:36:03.570 ITC 105A: are we? Gonna wait the opinions of advisory group over individual testifiers. It's gonna be interesting. I think the key word is task. 567 01:36:03.940 --> 01:36:06.009 ITC 105A: It's up to us to 568 01:36:06.200 --> 01:36:08.849 ITC 105A: establish the tasks for the 569 01:36:08.870 --> 01:36:33.749 ITC 105A: Advisory group. Otherwise it is a free for all I'll go back to. As usual. Region heading has a a capacity, a facility for zeroing right in on, on the essential element, I over and over again. It happens, by the way, that's meant to be accomplished. A compliment, Bill, I know. Please don't, don't. But and it's true. It it it is. And what he said, this is not a referendum 570 01:36:34.450 --> 01:36:53.990 ITC 105A: we are. We're a representative. This is representative government. Now, if somebody wants to be a parliamentary system, they can go to another country or another State. They want to have referendum they can go under another set of circumstances. We can't. No, we can't. We do that. But one of the reasons I think, that we're here is we're representatives. 571 01:36:54.180 --> 01:37:06.030 ITC 105A: and the Advisory group will be representative of of broader opinion, and so on, hopefully, so they could assign the task. If it's wide open. I agree with Regent Lee. 572 01:37:06.110 --> 01:37:18.759 ITC 105A: I mean, I know what you're driving at, and II agree. But but if if if if if they appine on anything, for example search. we we got to decide that that shouldn't be something the advisory committee 573 01:37:18.840 --> 01:37:37.960 ITC 105A: it gets a crack at, because I can find 6 or 7 other things that we should make decisions on like like the criteria for for the task of this picking the President. I don't think it should be a referendum amount. There was 7,000 participants in it 574 01:37:38.300 --> 01:37:53.609 ITC 105A: we assign. We need to assign the the tasks, and that's what they apply now. and the like. Whether there should be a search firm or not, we should decide that that's not something I want to throw out there, because in time, in terms of of time expending. 575 01:37:53.750 --> 01:37:58.390 ITC 105A: If that's what's going to be done. We're going to be here the past 2025. 576 01:37:58.730 --> 01:37:59.680 Please decide 577 01:38:03.680 --> 01:38:04.750 news story 578 01:38:04.820 --> 01:38:06.959 ITC 105A: who we choose and what they do. This. 579 01:38:08.160 --> 01:38:09.189 ITC 105A: Thank you. 580 01:38:09.650 --> 01:38:16.339 ITC 105A: I think one of the things that that again, at least the reading I've done says that 581 01:38:16.970 --> 01:38:22.219 ITC 105A: I think we could do with our staff in an Hr firm. If you're gonna talk about search firm. 582 01:38:23.370 --> 01:38:33.209 ITC 105A: II think you should get it. If you're gonna do a firm at all, it should be an Hr firm. They do logistics and so on. They can pull that together. And then we make decisions about the cut. 583 01:38:33.520 --> 01:38:43.069 ITC 105A: But over and over and over again, when you read the record of what happens with search firms is they? They have an interest in spending your money. 584 01:38:43.580 --> 01:39:02.820 ITC 105A: and they're going to reach out to hundreds of people and the mainland and international and all the rest of this stuff. And what happens at the end of this expensive, long process that involves hundreds of people is all of a sudden you end up with 79 applications, and in the first pass it's down to 15. 585 01:39:03.490 --> 01:39:11.510 ITC 105A: I'm gonna go vice chair, the invite you to cheeky, and then, and the reason it's talking I do. I do. Wanna just so that we're on the same page. We voted last time 586 01:39:11.920 --> 01:39:21.049 ITC 105A: to move forward with the search for a recommendation, and then, based on the comments you've made similar comments last time we changed it so that an Hr. Firm could be 587 01:39:21.250 --> 01:39:47.450 ITC 105A: could could bid or partner with another firm a local firm just mentioned that so between meetings, we did come up with well, the criteria was in the the pig report, and then we came up with the waiting and and they so we started the Rfp. Process. One of the things we did add that you had recommended 588 01:39:47.450 --> 01:39:56.309 ITC 105A: is for the search firm to disclose. If they're bringing Canada's to us that 589 01:39:56.530 --> 01:40:03.100 ITC 105A: that we at least know that if they're gonna you know they have like an agenda. 590 01:40:03.830 --> 01:40:05.250 ITC 105A: you know. Yeah. 591 01:40:06.420 --> 01:40:11.010 ITC 105A: Regent oche. I think 592 01:40:11.710 --> 01:40:17.059 ITC 105A: one of the primary responsibilities of our university is to 593 01:40:17.340 --> 01:40:37.049 ITC 105A: to grow the citizenship, and I have to say that in listening to the testimony one of the things cause. I've been very worried about our democracy frankly. and so it is heartening to hear the faculty heartening, to hear the staff, and especially heartening to hear the students come forward 594 01:40:37.400 --> 01:40:39.950 ITC 105A: to have a role in this process. 595 01:40:40.100 --> 01:40:47.180 ITC 105A: That said that role is a lot of work. And so those people who are stepping forward. 596 01:40:47.510 --> 01:40:56.099 ITC 105A: and those those constituencies that are stepping forward are stepping forward kind of the same way that we are, which is thankless 597 01:40:56.420 --> 01:40:59.760 ITC 105A: in many ways. Volunteer. 598 01:41:00.330 --> 01:41:13.969 ITC 105A: and also taking on a huge, an important responsibility. And I I appreciate their willingness to do that, and therefore I want to honor that I think, as as a body. 599 01:41:14.060 --> 01:41:21.680 ITC 105A: and that means honoring that that role, that voice and choice 600 01:41:21.690 --> 01:41:25.229 ITC 105A: to work out from their various perspectives. 601 01:41:25.250 --> 01:41:42.249 ITC 105A: Who will be the search from cause. We heard from the 900 or so responses some very strong thoughts about. And and today as well, very strong thoughts about, you know, sh! Should the what, what should the the emphasis be of that firm? 602 01:41:42.410 --> 01:41:48.899 ITC 105A: We, as a as a group, as a committee of the whole? And I like how in the notes. Now we're a cow. 603 01:41:48.920 --> 01:41:54.289 ITC 105A: so we have a pig, and now we have a cow but as a cow 604 01:41:54.560 --> 01:42:13.740 ITC 105A: there is no way that we can review. Nor should we what? The the procurement process and and the the the vetting. Well, we we do have the responsibility of the final approval, because that is the the responsibility given to us by the Constitution and the 605 01:42:13.830 --> 01:42:20.590 ITC 105A: and the the government. But but with the advice and the 606 01:42:21.370 --> 01:42:26.279 ITC 105A: recommendation. I think that word is really really important of of the committee. 607 01:42:26.410 --> 01:42:28.879 ITC 105A: So I think what I'm saying is. 608 01:42:28.980 --> 01:42:36.610 ITC 105A: W. This is building trust, and and I think whether we need the broader language or the more specific language 609 01:42:37.220 --> 01:42:54.989 ITC 105A: recommendation about the search, firm recommendation about the the attributes that we're looking for in the in the, in this position, recommendation about the the vetting process and the overview of the vetting process and recommendation of the candidates. 610 01:42:55.050 --> 01:43:04.300 ITC 105A: I. Whether we do that specifically, or you know, as a general statement. I'm not sure 611 01:43:04.650 --> 01:43:16.009 ITC 105A: which is necessary. But II do think that that's where we are on this and the connection to the trust component of it. I've gotten some feedback that 612 01:43:16.090 --> 01:43:18.059 ITC 105A: when you take a bile break. 613 01:43:18.220 --> 01:43:26.949 ITC 105A: so give us a 10 min biobreaked, and then will reconvene. 614 01:56:45.560 --> 01:56:49.320 ITC 105A: and then I'll close me back to order. So keep going up 615 01:57:02.310 --> 01:57:12.130 ITC 105A: alright. We are back in session regions, I know was next in line. But I wanna set on something first. Everything I've heard from regents is that 616 01:57:12.530 --> 01:57:14.379 ITC 105A: the detention was always 617 01:57:14.600 --> 01:57:18.609 ITC 105A: to have a legitimate advisory group that that is. 618 01:57:18.700 --> 01:57:33.469 ITC 105A: you know, a meaningful part of the process. And we're talking today. I think we've gotten to the point where okay, what it's not about whether it's legitimate or not. It's you know, how do we do that? How do and how do we not both both indicate that to our community. And how do we operationalize it? 619 01:57:33.750 --> 01:57:37.349 ITC 105A: What I wanna suggest? And it's why we put this on our agenda 620 01:57:37.420 --> 01:57:51.530 ITC 105A: is we move to executive session because some of the dynamics about what we would have them do and what how to operationalize that impact things like sunshine, law and document sharing. So if we could go into exec session, consult with our attorney, we could get some guidance on 621 01:57:51.870 --> 01:57:57.299 ITC 105A: you know. What? What can we articulate, and how and and what needs to be avoided. 622 01:57:57.980 --> 01:58:04.840 ITC 105A: If we agree, can I get a motion to go into executive session? Regent Liu moves Regent Wilson seconds 623 01:58:05.160 --> 01:58:09.739 ITC 105A: all those in favor of going to executive session. Say, aye, any opposed 624 01:58:10.220 --> 01:58:17.610 ITC 105A: my apologies to the audience that we didn't think of this earlier, and yet to take, break, and come back and hear that. So 625 01:58:18.170 --> 01:58:20.449 ITC 105A: we will convene 626 01:58:21.530 --> 01:58:25.269 ITC 105A: soon as we're done deliberate or consulting with our attorney. 627 03:38:51.230 --> 03:38:52.739 ITC 105A: And can you hear us? 628 03:38:58.880 --> 03:38:59.889 ITC 105A: Do you know 629 03:39:00.960 --> 03:39:04.119 ITC 105A: where where can you buy those 630 03:39:04.800 --> 03:39:06.579 ITC 105A: on directly direct? Still, yeah. 631 03:39:09.160 --> 03:39:12.759 ITC 105A: I'm just gonna try and get Wayne. Make sure Wayne's online. 632 03:39:14.220 --> 03:39:16.070 ITC 105A: And then we started 633 03:39:18.210 --> 03:39:21.360 ITC 105A: the glit, the glor, the glamorous life of a 634 03:39:21.810 --> 03:39:27.489 ITC 105A: my apologies for not having lunch. That's an unacceptable oversight. 635 03:39:34.250 --> 03:39:35.919 ITC 105A: You pass the lead that way. Thank you. 636 03:39:37.360 --> 03:39:40.749 ITC 105A: Oh, I'll take. I'll take track 637 03:39:44.000 --> 03:39:46.050 ITC 105A: all right, Wayne, can you hear us, Wayne? 638 03:39:49.570 --> 03:39:53.670 ITC 105A: Yes, I can. Alright. Okay. We're back in session. 639 03:39:53.960 --> 03:40:01.670 ITC 105A: I wanna you know, I wanna I wanna thank regents, this is an extra meeting. We added. 640 03:40:02.180 --> 03:40:07.029 ITC 105A: some of the most busiest folks around, and so appreciate the service. 641 03:40:07.710 --> 03:40:17.109 ITC 105A: And we're gonna go back to the conversation we're having before I do, I wanna just reiterate. We went into exec session to talk to our 642 03:40:17.660 --> 03:40:18.980 our counsel. 643 03:40:19.530 --> 03:40:24.920 ITC 105A: But all the ramifications of the way we're trying to approach this process in regards to Advisory Group 644 03:40:25.300 --> 03:40:31.060 ITC 105A: and the tasks we assigned an advisory group have different legal components to them. So. 645 03:40:32.050 --> 03:40:35.169 ITC 105A: thank you very much, Patience, as we did that consultation. 646 03:40:35.460 --> 03:40:43.059 ITC 105A: What's clear is that all regions have a strong intention for the Advisory group to be a meaningful, 647 03:40:43.370 --> 03:40:53.300 ITC 105A: significant part of the process. We're not all in agreement from the earlier conversation. We're not all in agreement about how to do that. So we're gonna go back to that conversation. Open 648 03:40:54.240 --> 03:41:00.499 ITC 105A: again on the screen. You can see that what we have is 649 03:41:00.730 --> 03:41:10.120 ITC 105A: Advisor Group will provide advice and recommendations to the committee of the whole as requested. The only other specific task was to be part of the listening sessions 650 03:41:12.000 --> 03:41:14.770 ITC 105A: regents. Further discussion 651 03:41:27.410 --> 03:41:28.600 ITC 105A: Regent Sochiki. 652 03:41:30.050 --> 03:41:38.470 ITC 105A: I I wanna just reiterate how how much I appreciate the the testimony that we've received and that 653 03:41:38.640 --> 03:41:48.599 ITC 105A: that concern about voice and choice is is where we're we're trying to to balance right? And then it was also very helpful to think about 654 03:41:48.640 --> 03:41:51.820 ITC 105A: where issues of having a robust 655 03:41:51.990 --> 03:41:56.760 ITC 105A: search also means that we have to honor 656 03:41:57.110 --> 03:42:05.649 ITC 105A: confidentiality and the the the needs of the applicants as well, and so trying to balance that. And so this is really helpful. 657 03:42:05.780 --> 03:42:06.860 ITC 105A: I think 658 03:42:07.070 --> 03:42:13.960 ITC 105A: where I'm lending right now, and where what we'd like to see us go is to 659 03:42:14.140 --> 03:42:18.760 ITC 105A: have that robust bus advisory group 660 03:42:19.190 --> 03:42:31.849 ITC 105A: get started, but then also give it some more time to to actually figure out who 661 03:42:32.180 --> 03:42:42.549 ITC 105A: and what they will do, but to to give some of that decision making to the representatives on the Advisory group to help us 662 03:42:42.660 --> 03:42:45.279 ITC 105A: collaboratively work that through. 663 03:42:45.990 --> 03:42:51.699 ITC 105A: So I think that's where we what I heard in the discussion and what I'd like to see. 664 03:43:04.330 --> 03:43:06.870 ITC 105A: So I will opine again 665 03:43:09.080 --> 03:43:09.860 ITC 105A: that 666 03:43:10.680 --> 03:43:14.589 ITC 105A: the the language as requested, I think someone else also mentioned this 667 03:43:14.890 --> 03:43:19.310 ITC 105A: seems to have triggered a reaction that the interpretation of that is. 668 03:43:21.120 --> 03:43:25.389 ITC 105A: we don't need your perspective unless we ask for it. 669 03:43:26.510 --> 03:43:29.970 ITC 105A: I don't think that's the intention of the regions, and so I'm 670 03:43:30.460 --> 03:43:36.239 ITC 105A: one of the things I'm wondering even if we're going to lay out the actual tasks. And and 671 03:43:36.470 --> 03:43:49.379 ITC 105A: you know that we that we include this group is substantive by the actual stuff we do with them, and how we engage. I'd like us to find ways to try to voice significance. Now, right. 672 03:43:49.390 --> 03:43:56.649 ITC 105A: please, Abercrombie, the way, perhaps the phrase as request as requested, has been misunderstood. 673 03:43:56.700 --> 03:44:04.929 ITC 105A: what we're talking about. At least II believe this is it is that a task that tasks will be assigned 674 03:44:04.960 --> 03:44:06.710 ITC 105A: to the 675 03:44:06.750 --> 03:44:08.870 ITC 105A: Advisory Group? 676 03:44:08.970 --> 03:44:27.430 ITC 105A: And that's the request. The request is is that the advisory group take up the burden of the tasks. I think that is an additional point. That's not the point I heard. What I heard is, that's that's still as only when you need us. 677 03:44:27.670 --> 03:44:44.489 ITC 105A: No, no, II understand that there were people who said that, but that's not what we meant, only when you need it. So what we mean is as requested that there's gonna be specific, specific specific tasks, specific requests made by the vor. But though we still determine those tasks. 678 03:44:45.010 --> 03:44:50.840 ITC 105A: Yeah, we both have it. We have to have the the I mean, the Advisory group can't meet in a vacuum. 679 03:44:53.440 --> 03:44:58.680 ITC 105A: We're picking the President and us. But what's associated with picking the President? 680 03:44:58.900 --> 03:45:06.459 ITC 105A: We don't wanna them to anybody to not understand what it is that we we are looking for. 681 03:45:06.890 --> 03:45:08.039 ITC 105A: are you, Wilson. 682 03:45:10.990 --> 03:45:21.990 ITC 105A: and if if I can kind of clarify the the thinking or my interpretation of the the thinking, that and discussion that we 683 03:45:22.130 --> 03:45:25.419 ITC 105A: need to have and have that is 684 03:45:25.530 --> 03:45:27.410 ITC 105A: step one 685 03:45:27.810 --> 03:45:29.630 ITC 105A: that we 686 03:45:31.890 --> 03:45:37.800 ITC 105A: reach out form the A group 687 03:45:38.630 --> 03:45:40.689 ITC 105A: which would then 688 03:45:41.000 --> 03:45:47.940 ITC 105A: distress the bankup of the advisory group. 689 03:45:49.440 --> 03:45:55.719 ITC 105A: Once they have done that made that recommendation that that we would then approve. 690 03:45:55.790 --> 03:45:58.650 ITC 105A: The recommendation 691 03:45:58.750 --> 03:46:05.350 ITC 105A: as to how the Advisory group would be organized, what would be made up of. 692 03:46:05.920 --> 03:46:09.969 ITC 105A: and then the next step would be to advise your group within 693 03:46:10.180 --> 03:46:15.890 ITC 105A: on it have to after we approve it, come back and say, Okay. 694 03:46:15.920 --> 03:46:25.410 ITC 105A: this is going to be the recommendation on how the Advisory. who can be make up the Advisory group. 695 03:46:26.250 --> 03:46:35.799 ITC 105A: and once that comes back for approval by the Board. then Advisory group would start its work and come up with 696 03:46:36.160 --> 03:46:39.189 ITC 105A: all of the past. That 697 03:46:39.400 --> 03:46:45.810 ITC 105A: would be done by the advisory group. But that this first step is just. 698 03:46:45.910 --> 03:46:55.500 ITC 105A: Are you suggesting that the Advisory group could propose the functions that they would like to do? That's that's why I'm hearing what you're saying could be. Yeah. 699 03:47:02.450 --> 03:47:06.499 ITC 105A: I can update one of the difficulties right now is that 700 03:47:08.140 --> 03:47:14.519 ITC 105A: we don't. We don't know specifically all that we can break off 701 03:47:14.830 --> 03:47:19.030 ITC 105A: to the advisory group to be able to enumerate that here 702 03:47:19.170 --> 03:47:24.000 ITC 105A: and it is constrained by legal considerations. 703 03:47:24.480 --> 03:47:26.670 ITC 105A: But what I want to say is that 704 03:47:26.720 --> 03:47:33.680 ITC 105A: to the extent that and I don't know that we're going to be able to enumerate everything today to the extent that we can't do that. 705 03:47:33.800 --> 03:47:35.730 ITC 105A: I want everyone to know that 706 03:47:36.010 --> 03:47:49.129 ITC 105A: as a board. What Chair said is correct, that we are committed to making sure there's meaningful participation here, and I also want to say there's some very strong advocates amongst the regents for that participation. 707 03:47:49.260 --> 03:47:54.769 ITC 105A: So II feel confident 708 03:47:54.840 --> 03:47:55.900 ITC 105A: that 709 03:47:56.030 --> 03:48:00.630 ITC 105A: along the way, when we do figure out each 710 03:48:01.580 --> 03:48:04.980 ITC 105A: element, and how this is going to be broken down. 711 03:48:05.150 --> 03:48:11.330 ITC 105A: that there is going to be strong voices as a board, but also there are strong advocates 712 03:48:11.490 --> 03:48:12.560 ITC 105A: where the 713 03:48:12.710 --> 03:48:17.800 ITC 105A: to say that we absolutely have to have meaningful participation. 714 03:48:17.810 --> 03:48:22.830 ITC 105A: So II don't want that. If we don't come out with an enumerated list 715 03:48:23.130 --> 03:48:27.689 ITC 105A: to think that that again, is some indication that we're trying 716 03:48:27.960 --> 03:48:34.070 ITC 105A: to take things away. But just sitting right here now, I don't see that 717 03:48:34.270 --> 03:48:38.030 ITC 105A: we can enumerate that unless anyone 718 03:48:39.170 --> 03:48:44.260 ITC 105A: oh sees a way to do that. Then, then, please, you know, put that on the table. 719 03:48:46.460 --> 03:48:55.739 ITC 105A: So III would concur that it'd be very challenging, particularly understanding that the legal considerations, to enumerate all the the functions. 720 03:48:57.180 --> 03:49:08.280 ITC 105A: So to to press this like. So how do we give our community more confidence on the intention? I gotta propose this language as a starter, we can help. 721 03:49:08.440 --> 03:49:15.379 ITC 105A: So, instead of, as requested, would say, committee provided vice and guidance or recommendations committee, the whole 722 03:49:17.820 --> 03:49:28.039 ITC 105A: to help assure that the perspectives of key stakeholders and the broader community are included throughout the selection process. 723 03:49:44.500 --> 03:49:47.039 ITC 105A: How that's done. The legal. 724 03:49:47.440 --> 03:49:56.640 ITC 105A: you know, nuance of what assignments get that can all be worked out. But it's a much stronger statement of the intention of the advisory committee, and how view them 725 03:50:00.300 --> 03:50:02.890 ITC 105A: Regent to cheeky. So let me 726 03:50:03.080 --> 03:50:10.689 ITC 105A: kind of say back what I just heard, so that I understand what I'm what I'm hearing is 727 03:50:11.840 --> 03:50:14.880 ITC 105A: a proposal about kind of the call 728 03:50:15.050 --> 03:50:22.059 ITC 105A: for the advisory, the the call to action for the Advisory group, which is a much more robust statement than it currently is. 729 03:50:22.240 --> 03:50:27.440 ITC 105A: And then, as I'm understanding it. The next step will be for us to discuss 730 03:50:28.030 --> 03:50:30.010 ITC 105A: who's in the advisory group. 731 03:50:30.240 --> 03:50:31.170 ITC 105A: Okay? 732 03:50:31.280 --> 03:50:31.990 So 733 03:50:32.560 --> 03:50:34.930 ITC 105A: so to kind of just 734 03:50:35.280 --> 03:50:38.770 ITC 105A: taking little bites of this? Right? And 735 03:50:40.610 --> 03:50:41.620 ITC 105A: so. 736 03:50:43.200 --> 03:50:56.849 ITC 105A: okay, thank you. That helps me. And so then, are you looking for a motion for for that language right now? Sure, open it up, and then we can discuss, and both up or down. 737 03:50:57.950 --> 03:51:02.819 ITC 105A: or just discuss first. That's fine. So we typically have done things. But. 738 03:51:02.840 --> 03:51:08.340 ITC 105A: Regent. 739 03:51:08.400 --> 03:51:19.139 ITC 105A: we simply remove the word help and say go directly to assure that the case just call queue even more, even more 740 03:51:19.250 --> 03:51:22.810 insurer. We can support that. 741 03:51:23.020 --> 03:51:23.829 ITC 105A: Yeah. 742 03:51:27.190 --> 03:51:37.559 ITC 105A: I don't get a sassy remark, cause I want my, my English again. Yeah. are you changing us? Sure to ensure? Is that right? Our our English professors? 743 03:51:37.950 --> 03:51:40.619 ITC 105A: Yes, yeah, yes. 744 03:51:40.900 --> 03:51:46.489 ITC 105A: that's the proposal. Yes, I'm I'm gonna pretend, I said, that in the first place. 745 03:51:47.090 --> 03:51:49.240 ITC 105A: other thoughts about that language change. 746 03:51:50.770 --> 03:52:03.629 ITC 105A: I would also say I think the other recommendations in the pig about the call of like who should be on it, and and the qualifications to me that that's why you guys recommended those qualifications because they will help us 747 03:52:04.250 --> 03:52:07.240 ITC 105A: on our voice. But other thoughts about this. 748 03:52:15.640 --> 03:52:18.740 ITC 105A: Are we ready for a motion chewing it up? 749 03:52:21.120 --> 03:52:23.450 ITC 105A: Regent Wilson? So moved. 750 03:52:23.600 --> 03:52:28.749 ITC 105A: Is there a second? We can do seconds any further discussion on that language change. 751 03:52:32.780 --> 03:52:34.040 ITC 105A: seeing none. 752 03:52:34.180 --> 03:52:39.109 ITC 105A: All those in favor signal by saying, Aye, any opposed? 753 03:52:40.510 --> 03:52:41.390 ITC 105A: Alright. 754 03:52:42.790 --> 03:52:55.759 ITC 105A: So I'll based on other conversations we've had. Are there any other proposed additions to that section of the report that talk about the functions of the advisory group at this time. 755 03:52:56.160 --> 03:53:00.800 ITC 105A: I reiterate that what we understand is tasks have to be assigned. 756 03:53:01.010 --> 03:53:09.720 ITC 105A: Those tacks have to be timing of those. The legal components have to be vetted. So this is not the end of it. We'll have to continue 757 03:53:10.170 --> 03:53:18.040 ITC 105A: the conversation. Are we ready to move on to? Well, who's gonna be on this advisory group. seeing no objections 758 03:53:18.760 --> 03:53:25.920 ITC 105A: cool. One task done today. thanks to our the work of our pay one, we have a starting list. And 759 03:53:26.120 --> 03:53:29.529 ITC 105A: the way I interpret the wording. But I'll defer to you vice chair leap. 760 03:53:29.850 --> 03:53:39.330 ITC 105A: This wasn't a recommendation. It was kind of open to include these. Yeah, so this is a starting point. But we really have a kind of a blank slate on who to include 761 03:53:41.050 --> 03:53:47.589 ITC 105A: Paloma? Can I? Can I start by including those for governing board or 762 03:53:47.650 --> 03:53:59.169 ITC 105A: councils. Sorry about terminology that are recognized formally, that have a existing relationship. So we'll do is we could do these one at a time. 763 03:53:59.630 --> 03:54:08.570 ITC 105A: and then just keep building, or we could just kind of craft things as they come up. So 764 03:54:09.990 --> 03:54:15.250 ITC 105A: let's just take that one individually, for now, because it's a, it's a substantive change. So the proposal is to add. 765 03:54:15.460 --> 03:54:25.519 ITC 105A: it's identify faculty staff and students as the th. 3 of the 4 codified groups and to add Boca as the fourth codified group, so membership would include the 4 766 03:54:25.600 --> 03:54:34.469 ITC 105A: entities that we currently reference. That's that's the proposal discussion and then region, Moai, and then I'll come to this side of the room. 767 03:54:36.140 --> 03:54:42.029 ITC 105A: So it's just discussion on this. I'll just listen to just this one for now, so that we can add it. Then we can continue 768 03:54:42.970 --> 03:55:03.300 ITC 105A: anyone else in this region. Moai. Yeah. So these 4 groups are faculty Senate staff Senate student, Asu, A, I mean student caucus. Are we? Are we like going detailed in here? But if I could get some help from Staff, the the way it's the way it's codified is is regional is stating it? Yes. 769 03:55:03.830 --> 03:55:16.710 ITC 105A: yes. And what we'll do is we'll confirm the actual language. And but but yeah, we'll use the language. It's record. Yeah, I think that's a good. So we're gonna change this 770 03:55:16.760 --> 03:55:20.099 ITC 105A: to list the 4 groups that 771 03:55:21.050 --> 03:55:24.839 ITC 105A: 4 formalized groups. And I'm sorry I'm at a loss for 772 03:55:25.220 --> 03:55:29.550 ITC 105A: the specific titles of those groups. Yeah, but that's your intention. 773 03:55:30.030 --> 03:55:32.060 ITC 105A: Any other discussion about Regent Tochiki? 774 03:55:33.200 --> 03:55:36.879 ITC 105A: And I guess so that that that 775 03:55:36.910 --> 03:55:57.540 ITC 105A: the language would be that these would be the the beginnings of it. And and it would be these 4 established codified groups, and they would each in their in their own bodies select who will sit on the my current proposal is that we handle the how do the seats get filled next? 776 03:55:57.610 --> 03:56:00.799 ITC 105A: But I'm open if we want to talk about that now. 777 03:56:02.970 --> 03:56:03.860 ITC 105A: I. 778 03:56:04.120 --> 03:56:18.789 ITC 105A: My my thought is that we should not be selecting who are the representatives of each of these groups, and that they, as as organized and elected bodies, should do that selection, is that a would you consider that part of your proposal? 779 03:56:19.750 --> 03:56:31.629 ITC 105A: Yeah. So the proposal is that those 4 groups are part of the advisory group and that they choose their own representatives. I'm gonna 780 03:56:31.740 --> 03:56:44.390 ITC 105A: just because of my reason. Joining the group these 4 groups are, is that is it my understanding? They have official recognition of of some 781 03:56:44.580 --> 03:56:45.280 ITC 105A: nothing 782 03:56:45.530 --> 03:56:49.200 ITC 105A: degrees, I mean cause there's other groups correct and 783 03:56:49.700 --> 03:57:02.310 ITC 105A: obviously that we recognize so how how does? How does the 4 groups and for public purposes, for the communication? The greater public. Out of these 4 groups 784 03:57:02.320 --> 03:57:18.470 ITC 105A: distinguish themselves in terms of their officialness as opposed to other groups that are associated with the university. Oh, I'm not sure who's best to answer this. We're gonna try to pull out the actual language that 785 03:57:19.060 --> 03:57:35.370 ITC 105A: that changes the nature of the release. In other words, there's a region policy that distinguishes these 4 groups. Okay, that's fine. That region always said it distinguishes the groups by specific entities, too. Right? Not just generically. So, yeah. 786 03:57:35.770 --> 03:57:38.849 ITC 105A: any other discussion about the proposal regime, my wife. 787 03:57:39.280 --> 03:57:43.999 ITC 105A: So we are just going forward. The with these 4 groups 788 03:57:44.180 --> 03:57:58.140 ITC 105A: is now the time that we would be talking about. If we're gonna put regions on it or not, or put other stakeholders on. If if we agree to this one, then we'd have those 4. And then we talk about the other recommendations. Administration alumni. Okay, great. 789 03:57:58.530 --> 03:58:01.080 ITC 105A: If there's other discussion about the proposal. 790 03:58:01.800 --> 03:58:03.920 ITC 105A: it's been has removed. 791 03:58:04.010 --> 03:58:05.170 ITC 105A: moved, and seconded. 792 03:58:06.110 --> 03:58:09.889 ITC 105A: it has not. That's that's is that your motion region below? 793 03:58:10.460 --> 03:58:12.160 ITC 105A: Okay, is there a second 794 03:58:12.230 --> 03:58:14.799 ITC 105A: Regent, Akita? Any further discussion? 795 03:58:14.940 --> 03:58:19.749 ITC 105A: You should have a problem. Is it understood that this is for starters. Yes. Yup. 796 03:58:20.800 --> 03:58:25.769 ITC 105A: okay. So you know, for the discussion all those in favor assume by saying, Aye, any opposed 797 03:58:25.920 --> 03:58:29.969 ITC 105A: motion carried. So we now have 4 official members of the Advisory group. 798 03:58:30.430 --> 03:58:36.290 ITC 105A: going to the recommendation. 799 03:58:36.920 --> 03:58:43.479 ITC 105A: The other categories were administrators, alumni members of the broader community between 4 and 6 800 03:58:48.440 --> 03:58:51.480 ITC 105A: by Shirley I just wanted to throw out. 801 03:58:51.940 --> 03:59:03.429 ITC 105A: I mean, this is gonna come out to more than 6. But Alumni Association foundation. and say from the business community 802 03:59:03.630 --> 03:59:08.409 ITC 105A: either Hawaii Business, Round Table, or the Chamber of Commerce of Hawaii. 803 03:59:08.750 --> 03:59:14.160 ITC 105A: I could I check that those entities that 804 03:59:14.590 --> 03:59:18.649 ITC 105A: is it similar that we would ask them to send us a rep from their groups? 805 03:59:19.940 --> 03:59:21.900 ITC 105A: Is that so that, can I send out a motion 806 03:59:31.780 --> 03:59:34.879 ITC 105A: of the further way. Thank you. Go ahead, Wayne. 807 03:59:35.220 --> 03:59:42.889 Regent Wayne Higaki: Thank you. Thank you, Regent. I would like to add, or at least suggest 808 03:59:43.120 --> 03:59:48.500 Regent Wayne Higaki: another group that would be our Regent emeritus group. 809 03:59:50.450 --> 03:59:59.529 ITC 105A: and II know we can all see it. You could probably share to talk with you if we need to, or make it bigger. So right now, we have the Us Alumni Association, the Us. Foundation. 810 03:59:59.590 --> 04:00:02.439 ITC 105A: the White Business Roundtable Chamber of Commerce 811 04:00:04.440 --> 04:00:09.129 ITC 105A: and the Regent Emeritus Group. Okay, I'm gonna go 812 04:00:09.240 --> 04:00:12.980 ITC 105A: here and then there. Regent Tociki. Okay. 813 04:00:13.010 --> 04:00:14.440 ITC 105A: President Occipi. 814 04:00:15.700 --> 04:00:18.210 ITC 105A: During because I'm worried that 815 04:00:18.430 --> 04:00:24.259 ITC 105A: this gets us in a big circle right? And I'm wondering if 816 04:00:25.110 --> 04:00:33.690 ITC 105A: it would be helpful to make the next proposal that there be, in addition to the 4 817 04:00:34.140 --> 04:00:35.620 ITC 105A: 2 regions, and then 818 04:00:35.640 --> 04:00:37.580 ITC 105A: this group already 819 04:00:37.810 --> 04:00:42.029 ITC 105A: look before our next meeting, get together and discuss 820 04:00:42.830 --> 04:00:47.299 ITC 105A: what other community members should be in the group 821 04:00:47.620 --> 04:00:53.419 ITC 105A: and come back to the Cal to discuss it. So the 4 that we've already determined 822 04:00:53.750 --> 04:01:02.990 ITC 105A: would meet with, who 2 regions, 2 regions, and then they would bring us a recommended list. 6. So the 6 people meet 823 04:01:03.360 --> 04:01:04.670 ITC 105A: immediately. 824 04:01:04.820 --> 04:01:20.230 ITC 105A: I don't know if that's possible. I don't know that each organization already has somebody in mind but and come back to us with a proposal about the constitution of the advisory committee. 825 04:01:22.130 --> 04:01:25.550 ITC 105A: So we have. We have. We're beginning a list of bodies 826 04:01:26.170 --> 04:01:37.570 ITC 105A: that could choose representatives. suggestion. Here is we could actually do a process where recommendations are made between meetings that come to us. That's on a table, too. 827 04:01:37.680 --> 04:01:40.630 ITC 105A: Can I check Regent Higgatti? Is your hand up 828 04:01:44.590 --> 04:01:48.420 ITC 105A: my apologies. I forgot to take it down. Okay, no, worries Regent, my wife. 829 04:01:50.820 --> 04:01:53.689 ITC 105A: So we still have to like. 830 04:01:53.710 --> 04:02:01.679 ITC 105A: We voted on the first 4, but we would still have to vote on these other groups. Okay, I would just like to add 831 04:02:02.100 --> 04:02:03.270 ITC 105A: athletics 832 04:02:03.630 --> 04:02:08.769 ITC 105A: from both Hilo and or I don't know 833 04:02:08.780 --> 04:02:12.479 ITC 105A: but athletics having a rep, a rep that 834 04:02:13.910 --> 04:02:17.270 ITC 105A: represent athletic programs regent Akizaki. 835 04:02:17.620 --> 04:02:47.080 ITC 105A: So I agree with Regent Tochiki. This is gonna just keep going, because II could say right now I want to make sure there's Neighbor Island representation. Make sure there's gender diversity. The idea of tasking the the 4 groups, plus the 2 regions, to meet immediately, and then come up with some recommendations. 836 04:02:47.080 --> 04:02:58.519 ITC 105A: A number was 4 to 6 out of the pig, and there was a rationale for that and so if we, as a committee of the whole board, want to 837 04:02:58.880 --> 04:03:10.920 ITC 105A: give the the 6 we're gonna meet if we go that route. Some parameters. I think now would be the time, instead of having them meet. Come back and say we want 20, 838 04:03:11.420 --> 04:03:31.469 ITC 105A: so we could still discuss what's on our minds collectively. And then if we if we agree with Regent to Cheeky's idea, they'd have, they'd already have a starting. Yeah, I just want to put that out there because I like that idea. But I want to see if we want parameters. Okay region, Abercrombie. 839 04:03:32.410 --> 04:03:35.579 ITC 105A: I'm going to go back to Regent Hennings. 840 04:03:35.860 --> 04:03:39.410 ITC 105A: Original admonition to us about 841 04:03:39.520 --> 04:03:43.470 ITC 105A: remembering this isn't a plug, a site, or a referendum. 842 04:03:43.880 --> 04:03:54.160 ITC 105A: and. for example. 2 or 3 business groups have already been named, but I didn't hear anything about labor. I didn't hear anything about unions. 843 04:03:54.650 --> 04:04:00.339 ITC 105A: and if we get into that, are we talking about separate units afl CIO 844 04:04:00.380 --> 04:04:08.969 ITC 105A: when we're talking about specific groups representing. I didn't see anybody bring up operation. Manong. 845 04:04:09.800 --> 04:04:19.739 ITC 105A: I mean, we've got certain groups already represented among the student body. There's 2 or 3 other groups in the student body that represent a significant. 846 04:04:19.760 --> 04:04:22.560 ITC 105A: a portion. What about 847 04:04:22.600 --> 04:04:26.169 ITC 105A: all the the Chamber of commerce. 848 04:04:26.360 --> 04:04:32.139 ITC 105A: Yeah, that's fine. But there's a lot of Chambers of Commerce out there. and I did. Nobody brought up. Oh. 849 04:04:32.620 --> 04:04:39.360 ITC 105A: so we gotta be. I think we need to take a deep breath here at this stage. 850 04:04:39.620 --> 04:04:40.870 ITC 105A: And 851 04:04:41.010 --> 04:04:52.730 ITC 105A: you wanna talk about politics. You wanna talk about lobbying. You wanna talk about influencing from the outside. Listen, this, this board of regents is a paragon of virtue 852 04:04:52.900 --> 04:04:58.320 ITC 105A: with respect to to being influenced compared to what's going to start the second 853 04:04:58.350 --> 04:05:03.530 ITC 105A: this comes out that who's gonna be on and who isn't always made a good start. These are official bodies. 854 04:05:03.690 --> 04:05:12.400 ITC 105A: but I think we ought to think very, very carefully about exactly what we want to have here in the Advisory 855 04:05:12.550 --> 04:05:14.499 ITC 105A: and Recommending Group. 856 04:05:15.200 --> 04:05:21.320 ITC 105A: When it's finally established in terms of membership. II 857 04:05:22.060 --> 04:05:22.980 ITC 105A: I'm 858 04:05:23.660 --> 04:05:28.980 ITC 105A: the way I was looking at it. Trying to think I was trying to think of names 859 04:05:29.830 --> 04:05:36.940 ITC 105A: less in terms of what they represented, because there's ethnicity. There's there's 860 04:05:36.970 --> 04:05:47.630 ITC 105A: there's Neighbor Islands, there's there's experience of various kinds, so on and so forth. I was thinking more of names, of of people representative of 861 04:05:47.770 --> 04:05:52.430 ITC 105A: of the kind of people who I know are going to be thoughtful 862 04:05:52.560 --> 04:05:55.339 ITC 105A: are going to be have an eclectic. 863 04:05:55.410 --> 04:05:57.580 ITC 105A: The view! 864 04:05:57.780 --> 04:06:16.670 ITC 105A: etc. In other words. II I'm not quite sure that group think is necessarily what we need to have. And like, I'm talk about the community side now coming. I'm not if we get into groups per se. We're gonna get up to 35, or 40, or 50 865 04:06:16.840 --> 04:06:21.280 ITC 105A: 50, but reasonable. Contenders. 866 04:06:21.420 --> 04:06:34.740 ITC 105A: So II wish I had a more definitive answer as to how to deal with it. But, I'm I'm thinking more about individual names coming forth that that have a kind of background and experience. And I that I trust 867 04:06:35.860 --> 04:06:52.670 ITC 105A: I check other reason why, after I check on this question, and I'm not sure if it's vice chair. The so I think I misread that that report section about the 4 to 6 members. I thought it was faculty staff to the administrative alumni. 868 04:06:52.850 --> 04:06:57.169 ITC 105A: and then 4 to 6 community members. But the recommendation was 869 04:06:57.200 --> 04:07:09.949 ITC 105A: that of all those bullets finding 4 to 6 people would kind of give us that broad perspective. That was the intention. Okay, so that's why you're saying, well, how much members are we talking about adding to the advisory group? 870 04:07:10.860 --> 04:07:13.139 ITC 105A: Yeah. And we just put 4. 871 04:07:15.100 --> 04:07:16.580 ITC 105A: So 872 04:07:16.870 --> 04:07:25.849 ITC 105A: so I'm clear. Mr. Chairman, yeah, I was thinking, the 4 to 6 to that. We took 4 to 6 individuals, and they're not necessarily. 873 04:07:26.210 --> 04:07:39.739 ITC 105A: you know, what do we wanna bring? We gonna bring Catholics and Mormons. And I mean, we gotta be careful about group representatives of groups for the 4 to 6 members 874 04:07:39.850 --> 04:07:42.950 ITC 105A: rather than 4 to 6 members whose 875 04:07:43.270 --> 04:07:44.640 ITC 105A: pulls a 876 04:07:45.740 --> 04:07:49.300 ITC 105A: perspective in terms of 877 04:07:49.770 --> 04:07:56.719 ITC 105A: their love for, and their desire to be helpful to the University in advancing its its cause. 878 04:07:56.810 --> 04:08:06.349 ITC 105A: Through its new president is is recognized, for example, of of a name, and if she was still I pick Gladys Brant. 879 04:08:06.380 --> 04:08:07.969 ITC 105A: for one thing. Oh. 880 04:08:08.290 --> 04:08:15.980 ITC 105A: I think established herself. And or if he was still alive, Mitsaoki, who was a professor, religion at 881 04:08:15.980 --> 04:08:42.099 ITC 105A: universe and picking people deliberately that that that wouldn't. But that's what I'm talking about. There are individuals recognize throughout our community, regardless of their background, regardless of their their affiliation. So who are respected in terms of their commitment to Hawaii? I think that's a lot of be in the 4 to 6. So it means clear is a big decision. Reason why I don't. First of all go to region was the next. II wanna make sure I'm mapping all the stuff they're talking about 882 04:08:42.520 --> 04:08:48.189 ITC 105A: number one. There's this, do we pick we? We have 4 already chosen, codified. 883 04:08:48.500 --> 04:09:02.090 ITC 105A: To add to that. Are we battling between groups that would say, members versus individual members? Is it something that's on the table? The number of folks in advisory groups, another issue on the table for us talk about 884 04:09:02.110 --> 04:09:10.000 ITC 105A: all the correct things. Regent Malwi, and then Regent Regent Wilson wanted to understand what you are saying. Regent Abercrombie of 885 04:09:10.170 --> 04:09:16.090 ITC 105A: you're you're oh, still okay with the 4 codified governance groups. But you're just talking about the additional 886 04:09:16.130 --> 04:09:38.410 ITC 105A: that would be added. Okay, II don't know if now is the time to to do that, but would like to talk about Laura rigid Tochiki's proposal. And if we go that route, is it possible to say this is the Max amount of people that we would want you to appoint, which is a 4 to 6 is one of the 887 04:09:38.830 --> 04:09:49.680 ITC 105A: yeah. So then we can make a cap on how many additional people from these groups that we've recommended or suggested to the Advisory Council that you can pick from, and one from each. 888 04:09:49.970 --> 04:09:54.729 ITC 105A: However, you know, and I don't know if it would be a list. But that's what I'm understanding, right? 889 04:09:56.430 --> 04:10:00.600 ITC 105A: I think it's 2 separate things that we could if we went with the proposal. 890 04:10:00.990 --> 04:10:07.370 ITC 105A: We could ask them to bring us back recommendations, and and we could. We could give them 891 04:10:07.610 --> 04:10:09.240 ITC 105A: a number parameter. 892 04:10:09.260 --> 04:10:20.940 ITC 105A: and then they can put whoever they want in there, or we could say, these are the folks that we're looking for representation from these sectors, or whatever 893 04:10:20.990 --> 04:10:26.589 ITC 105A: clarify that we're talking about. This is once well. 894 04:10:26.640 --> 04:10:38.499 ITC 105A: we identified the 4 codified and the 2 regions. That's a group that would then come back was a recommendation on the others that we can set a limit to 895 04:10:38.920 --> 04:10:46.510 ITC 105A: right. It's really what you're saying. Right? I think that's that's polishing Regent Toochi's proposal right? 896 04:10:51.670 --> 04:10:57.749 ITC 105A: Other discussion about any of these topics the proposed way to approach it. Number of regents, Regent Haney. 897 04:10:58.210 --> 04:11:00.550 Fractals in pretty good 898 04:11:00.770 --> 04:11:01.900 ITC 105A: microphone. 899 04:11:02.130 --> 04:11:03.489 Correct me, awesome. 900 04:11:06.610 --> 04:11:12.739 ITC 105A: and can't imagine that we're going to get through without it turning into 2 or 3 hot washes 901 04:11:12.810 --> 04:11:17.739 ITC 105A: with additional names thrown in. There's inevitably gonna be people that we will 902 04:11:18.110 --> 04:11:20.640 ITC 105A: go like this. So of course, I mean 903 04:11:20.850 --> 04:11:28.960 ITC 105A: the Department of Education has more of an investment in the University than most others, and we, and feel very foolish if we didn't 904 04:11:29.310 --> 04:11:35.109 ITC 105A: think about them as well doesn't mean we have to put them in. Doesn't mean we need an extensive list 905 04:11:35.360 --> 04:11:38.460 ITC 105A: to consider. So when we're charging this 906 04:11:38.750 --> 04:11:42.119 ITC 105A: small group 4 plus 2 907 04:11:42.370 --> 04:11:45.670 ITC 105A: with our expectations. 908 04:11:45.900 --> 04:11:50.320 ITC 105A: Is it not reasonable to say we're we're not anticipating that we get 909 04:11:50.730 --> 04:11:54.590 ITC 105A: this all resolved in one or even 2 follow-on meetings. 910 04:11:56.130 --> 04:12:03.069 ITC 105A: II think that's certainly likely that we don't come to consensus. I know the Regent Wilson. I think his hand is up. Sorry that 911 04:12:03.330 --> 04:12:04.970 ITC 105A: Matt Regan Wilson. 912 04:12:05.580 --> 04:12:10.339 ITC 105A: Sorry, Wayne. Reason you got me. 913 04:12:12.540 --> 04:12:25.280 Regent Wayne Higaki: Thank you. Chair so so to May. I understand correctly. We have this group of 4, 2 regions, and we're gonna ask them to 914 04:12:25.340 --> 04:12:29.480 Regent Wayne Higaki: come up with additional names 915 04:12:30.130 --> 04:12:37.969 Regent Wayne Higaki: to to make up this advisory group. Did we come up with a number total, because that's already 6, 916 04:12:39.530 --> 04:12:45.359 Regent Wayne Higaki: or is that only the 4 and the 2 regions don't count. So 917 04:12:45.630 --> 04:12:53.370 ITC 105A: I'm step. I'm just a little bit confused on the total number I'll defer to region to a cheeky, but I think the recommendation was, this is 918 04:12:54.330 --> 04:13:08.739 ITC 105A: the 4 that are already established for for the Advisory group, and 2 regions would work with them to to determine the other members. Not the regions wouldn't be continued on the advisory group. They just help with the process of coming up with a recommendation. 919 04:13:08.880 --> 04:13:10.630 ITC 105A: That's correct. 920 04:13:11.150 --> 04:13:15.010 ITC 105A: Yes, that's Chris who would decide the total numbers. 921 04:13:15.260 --> 04:13:36.220 ITC 105A: That's what we're talking at. This one of the proposals regional Akitaki brought up was the current recommendation from the pig. One was between 4 and 6 total members. So we're talking now. One of the one of the topics in front of us is, do we want to put a cap if we're going, whether we put whether we defer it to this group of 4 plus 2 regions or not. 922 04:13:36.490 --> 04:13:46.050 ITC 105A: Do we want to establish a cap number which right now is 6 visual stacking. So I just wanna put this on the table. 923 04:13:46.130 --> 04:13:49.740 ITC 105A: one of the reasons 924 04:13:49.810 --> 04:13:54.439 ITC 105A: this is along the lines of what Governor aber probably was talking about regarding 925 04:13:54.770 --> 04:14:00.740 ITC 105A: the the people who would be chosen it in. When we when we talked in the pig, we 926 04:14:00.750 --> 04:14:06.909 ITC 105A: we did start down this route of. We had so many groups exactly what we're talking about here. 927 04:14:07.040 --> 04:14:13.270 ITC 105A: and it was a little bit like, let's cap it because we'll know it when we see it. 928 04:14:13.380 --> 04:14:19.920 ITC 105A: And so I just to throw it out. There we're we're talking about a process to then 929 04:14:20.210 --> 04:14:29.889 ITC 105A: have another process or have another group, and then we have to decide again. I wonder if we can do the 2 regions, the 4 groups 930 04:14:29.980 --> 04:14:33.610 ITC 105A: and those are already the advisory members. 931 04:14:33.680 --> 04:14:40.999 ITC 105A: And then we have 2, maybe 2 community members, or however many, we want to say 2, 3. 932 04:14:41.510 --> 04:14:42.370 ITC 105A: And 933 04:14:42.650 --> 04:14:47.700 ITC 105A: do we want to pick those? That was the initial intention of the pay 934 04:14:47.800 --> 04:14:54.719 ITC 105A: that we would put forward names, and you sort of know it when you see it based on their qualifications. I'm just throwing that 935 04:14:54.800 --> 04:14:55.910 ITC 105A: out there. 936 04:14:56.160 --> 04:15:08.500 ITC 105A: So we have representation from the 4 that they choose that are already going to be on the advisory group. So we don't have a second step of their recommendation, and then 937 04:15:08.540 --> 04:15:15.959 ITC 105A: we come back. What was intended with with paid. One report was that we came with names. 938 04:15:16.420 --> 04:15:20.810 ITC 105A: and we picked the community members, or 939 04:15:20.840 --> 04:15:27.839 ITC 105A: initially, was all everyone. But now, if we're narrowing it down that we're picking for the community versus 940 04:15:28.700 --> 04:15:39.760 ITC 105A: these 4, picking for the and for the report, it would, we would consider where, whether an administrator and alumni get a seat of the of the what's left right that that we would choose. 941 04:15:39.890 --> 04:15:44.109 ITC 105A: Yes, amongst the non-codified membership. Yes. 942 04:15:46.450 --> 04:15:51.080 ITC 105A: that's the next step. Well, there's so yeah, how? So 943 04:15:52.040 --> 04:16:00.179 ITC 105A: what should the makeup be? How many members? That's one thing. And then well, how do they get chosen? Is another, and I get that. They're interrelated region. Why. 944 04:16:00.680 --> 04:16:22.539 ITC 105A: to a pine on alumni I feel like a lot of community members are already alumni. Doesn't mean that they will be, but even faculty. A lot of them are alumni. So I don't know if there necessarily needs to be a select person that functions as alumni, whereas if there is someone who already is alumni that functions as something else. 945 04:16:22.910 --> 04:16:29.390 ITC 105A: I don't know if that could kind of eliminate an extra person. This is why I'm like looking. Is that grammy? 946 04:16:29.990 --> 04:16:42.100 ITC 105A: Forgive me, Abigail, but I couldn't agree more. But I think you're making the the point, or you're strengthening the point I made before. I think we should eliminate this idea of groups. 947 04:16:42.480 --> 04:16:49.530 ITC 105A: and that we should get to individual names because you're going to see a combination of factors and in various individuals. 948 04:16:49.740 --> 04:16:54.820 ITC 105A: that and I think the number should be 12. 949 04:16:55.070 --> 04:16:59.270 ITC 105A: The reason I picked that it's arbitrary, but it's not capricious. 950 04:16:59.420 --> 04:17:18.720 ITC 105A: But that's what a jury is, and a jury. By the way, I think I've got my my juris jurisprudence history right here, you know there's enough lawyers here to tell me. Think the reason they picked 12, and not an odd number is is they wanted consensus. They wanted the group to have to decide. They didn't want 7 and 6 951 04:17:18.720 --> 04:17:36.669 ITC 105A: or 6 and 5 like, we've got 11, you can, you know, 6 people can, you know, slaughter the other 5. Kind of it's one of the problems with the pig, right? That 5 people were in and then 6 route. So II would think to 12, and I think we should go to individuals. I think the the 952 04:17:36.800 --> 04:17:41.980 ITC 105A: the other folks on the Advisory Committee should be picked by the regions. 953 04:17:42.720 --> 04:17:56.999 ITC 105A: because I think if you go to the other groups, so they're gonna they're gonna have to take into account all all these different groups and lobbying and all the rest of it, I think we should come up with some names. We're pretty good at that. Let's have some consensus. My only problem with that 954 04:17:57.260 --> 04:18:02.299 ITC 105A: having said, so is I need to ask about where the Sunshine law comes in. 955 04:18:02.600 --> 04:18:05.290 ITC 105A: Everybody that I talk to 956 04:18:05.440 --> 04:18:12.690 ITC 105A: about what they consider being on the Advisory committee understood that they might not be. That's the first thing that they might not get picked. 957 04:18:12.890 --> 04:18:18.410 ITC 105A: and not because people don't like them, or they're bad persons or anything, but but 958 04:18:18.430 --> 04:18:25.410 ITC 105A: everybody's got various criteria, and everybody understood that that they they might not get picked. No. 959 04:18:25.670 --> 04:18:36.200 ITC 105A: it may be that some people don't want to go through that. And I'm not quite sure where the sunshine law comes in on that. It's something that I would like. Yeah. The understanding is, if we choose the 960 04:18:36.430 --> 04:18:51.680 ITC 105A: advisory group members. Then then the names we consider will be public. Okay, yeah. Then, if that's the case, I don't think that that might cause some some difficulties. So if the if we're gonna send this to the 961 04:18:52.140 --> 04:18:56.769 ITC 105A: to to under the present circumstances, the the group, the 962 04:18:57.860 --> 04:19:09.430 ITC 105A: codified group, I guess that's what we're talking, that's the phrase. I think they just ought to take up names then. 963 04:19:10.160 --> 04:19:14.030 ITC 105A: and and forget about the the groups as such. 964 04:19:14.150 --> 04:19:20.639 ITC 105A: and that people submit names, and of of respected and and and 965 04:19:20.940 --> 04:19:21.950 ITC 105A: people who 966 04:19:22.080 --> 04:19:32.750 ITC 105A: or is that to? 967 04:19:32.980 --> 04:19:34.960 Regent Wayne Higaki: That's Toshi. Sorry. 968 04:19:35.290 --> 04:19:37.659 ITC 105A: Okay, 969 04:19:38.320 --> 04:19:45.010 ITC 105A: I'm gonna go to the regents. But II wanna say, I think my sense and you can agree. Disagree 970 04:19:45.260 --> 04:19:52.679 ITC 105A: is one of the things we should settle first is the number of of members on the advisory group, because that will 971 04:19:53.120 --> 04:19:58.900 ITC 105A: informed with other decisions going back to Region Augustaka's suggestion and we have another number proposed. 972 04:19:59.310 --> 04:20:03.450 ITC 105A: and the report has one, but I'll just put them on the table. Use it mobile. 973 04:20:04.720 --> 04:20:18.489 ITC 105A: II don't have a preference. Well, sounds good. I don't really have a preference for a number other than not making it too big. But I think that my issue about us appointing or choosing names 974 04:20:18.520 --> 04:20:22.810 ITC 105A: other than the confidentiality issue is that when we have the Selection Committee 975 04:20:23.260 --> 04:20:40.850 ITC 105A: picked for Athletics, there was a lot of issues about who was then selected to be on that, and some people, you know, wanted to be on it, that they weren't on it. And then we added people and or we didn't. But it added people and and that sort of thing. So 976 04:20:40.990 --> 04:20:55.199 ITC 105A: I would actually prefer that the Advisory group pick who else? They want to put on the committee because they're going to be the ones that are working with them. They're going to be the ones that are on this advisory committ, and if we give a limitation to hey, you can't have more than this. 977 04:20:55.260 --> 04:21:03.540 ITC 105A: Then they're effectively able to use their voice to say who else they want their expertise from? To be on this advisory committee. And I think that that's 978 04:21:03.760 --> 04:21:05.260 ITC 105A: in my opinion. 979 04:21:05.510 --> 04:21:13.630 ITC 105A: and we don't have to agree is a way that they have more meaningful input. than us selecting who else should be on it. 980 04:21:13.720 --> 04:21:16.229 ITC 105A: And just to confirm the recommendation 981 04:21:16.680 --> 04:21:21.830 ITC 105A: it's or just to confirm. We're asking for a recommendation which we would agree to 982 04:21:22.320 --> 04:21:26.450 ITC 105A: right now. We're not saying they would choose. We're saying, Give us a proposal. 983 04:21:26.630 --> 04:21:36.509 ITC 105A: Okay, I just want to say, coming out of the pig. The list of the various groups 984 04:21:36.640 --> 04:21:40.099 ITC 105A: that was not meant to be one per each. 985 04:21:40.200 --> 04:21:45.890 ITC 105A: These were like suggestions of the different groups. So and 986 04:21:46.310 --> 04:21:50.940 ITC 105A: the group grouping is hard and not ideal 987 04:21:51.020 --> 04:22:05.769 ITC 105A: along the lines of what region ever company was saying. So I just want to clarify that coming out of the pig. It's not one for each that wasn't intention, 2 per formally recognized group. But the motion was once 988 04:22:06.250 --> 04:22:14.739 ITC 105A: so. There is a motion right on the table now, or is there not II don't think it's moving. Second. 989 04:22:14.930 --> 04:22:16.510 ITC 105A: I'm going to move 990 04:22:16.890 --> 04:22:21.969 ITC 105A: that we ask the 991 04:22:22.140 --> 04:22:29.860 ITC 105A: the beginnings of this advisory group made up of the 4 organizations for codified 2 regents 992 04:22:30.580 --> 04:22:43.420 ITC 105A: to meet and discuss and decide on a recommendation to this call of other of their membership not to exceed 12 people. 993 04:22:43.730 --> 04:22:48.199 ITC 105A: Okay, is there? A second region will say, I'll give it. Region will listen to. Second 994 04:22:48.350 --> 04:22:50.539 ITC 105A: for the discussion on that proposal. 995 04:22:55.050 --> 04:22:57.079 ITC 105A: We should have a comment. Yeah. 996 04:22:57.520 --> 04:23:06.909 ITC 105A: not to discuss the personalities above the 4 groups, 4 groups have 997 04:23:07.620 --> 04:23:09.150 ITC 105A: a narrow focus 998 04:23:09.650 --> 04:23:26.629 ITC 105A: with respect to their I'm not saying the individuals on it are narrow-minded, or have a narrow focus themselves, but the groups are organized for certain purposes. and the certain purposes are are all involved with certain elements of the university. 999 04:23:27.460 --> 04:23:29.859 ITC 105A: and they they have certain focus. 1000 04:23:31.480 --> 04:23:40.129 ITC 105A: They have a certain focus and and and the university part of the reason that we're looking to expand the numbers. 1001 04:23:41.320 --> 04:23:44.439 ITC 105A: Part of the reason that we're looking to expand the numbers 1002 04:23:44.570 --> 04:23:47.160 ITC 105A: is to get a broader 1003 04:23:47.420 --> 04:24:08.799 ITC 105A: representation a broader foundation. When I say broader again, that's not a commentary on the on the end, integrity or intelligence of the individuals that would come out of the the initial selection, but rather in terms of experience in terms of of outlook and etc. 1004 04:24:08.890 --> 04:24:11.530 ITC 105A: Background! 1005 04:24:11.550 --> 04:24:15.909 ITC 105A: To to to fill out this group that would come up, possibly to a dozen. 1006 04:24:16.360 --> 04:24:17.890 ITC 105A: So I'm 1007 04:24:19.140 --> 04:24:20.890 ITC 105A: I'm a little concerned 1008 04:24:20.960 --> 04:24:24.500 ITC 105A: that it's very, very difficult when you. 1009 04:24:24.650 --> 04:24:25.740 ITC 105A: when you 1010 04:24:26.060 --> 04:24:35.040 ITC 105A: represent a specific group that has a specific purpose within the the in this instance within the university, that 1011 04:24:35.200 --> 04:24:38.140 ITC 105A: they're necessarily 1012 04:24:38.690 --> 04:24:45.209 ITC 105A: best qualified. even if they're oriented toward it, but best qualified then to pick the other. 1013 04:24:45.220 --> 04:24:47.780 ITC 105A: The other 8 people. 1014 04:24:48.210 --> 04:24:50.130 ITC 105A: no. that 1015 04:24:50.240 --> 04:24:54.350 ITC 105A: th that th that might just be a a theoretical 1016 04:24:54.670 --> 04:25:17.879 ITC 105A: concern of mine for a a a reason. I'm saying that about end emphasizing individuals, I had some people in mind that were previous administrators at at the University, who are retired but now, and have had very broad national and international experience in in terms of academic administration, and so on. That's a name 1017 04:25:17.890 --> 04:25:29.599 ITC 105A: that I was thinking of. II. There's another a person in the ho! I'm gonna say, the Hawaiian community that I came up with that isn't necessarily affiliated with 1018 04:25:29.610 --> 04:25:33.989 ITC 105A: with particular groups or individuals, my my point being 1019 04:25:34.030 --> 04:25:39.470 ITC 105A: that, can we just talk a little bit longer about 1020 04:25:40.120 --> 04:25:51.079 ITC 105A: how we get the other 8 names, if if we approve of the the the the proposition I'm for the proposition I'm gonna vote for. 1021 04:25:51.140 --> 04:25:53.899 ITC 105A: But I'm I'm a little concerned 1022 04:25:54.050 --> 04:25:54.940 ITC 105A: that 1023 04:25:55.270 --> 04:25:57.130 ITC 105A: that the 4 groups. 1024 04:25:58.540 --> 04:26:00.600 ITC 105A: despite best intentions 1025 04:26:01.050 --> 04:26:03.899 ITC 105A: by definition, have a 1026 04:26:04.060 --> 04:26:13.510 ITC 105A: starting focus that isn't as necessarily broad in terms of who's likely to be recommended. 1027 04:26:13.550 --> 04:26:21.790 ITC 105A: Like some of what we heard in the testimony. We may have one group say we. we need 1028 04:26:21.970 --> 04:26:27.540 ITC 105A: 5 more of us. We need 5 more faculty. We need 10 more students. 1029 04:26:27.800 --> 04:26:37.949 ITC 105A: you know. But so we have parameters to say, okay, the 4 represented. We're gonna have this number. But we're giving you parameters. We we need to 1030 04:26:38.030 --> 04:26:48.319 ITC 105A: 3 community members. We'd like to, you know. I don't know. Then we're kind of categorizing again. But if we don't do that, and we give these the 4 narrow focus people 1031 04:26:48.540 --> 04:26:52.970 ITC 105A: sort of just go forth. We may get by faculty 1032 04:26:53.260 --> 04:27:02.400 ITC 105A: 5 students. I don't think necessarily that that would have before we go. Oh, sorry. The last folks have their hands up now. So I wanna go Regent Wilson, and then Regent moi. 1033 04:27:02.490 --> 04:27:08.220 ITC 105A: Okay? you know. I think the codified groups. First of all. 1034 04:27:08.490 --> 04:27:15.839 ITC 105A: students, students are customers. They're a large group. I mean, it's in the institution. And you look at students. 1035 04:27:15.960 --> 04:27:22.310 ITC 105A: It's been a large group faculty, the largest providers staff the largest. 1036 04:27:22.560 --> 04:27:23.560 ITC 105A: and 1037 04:27:24.310 --> 04:27:33.620 ITC 105A: where was going to get the job done other than what the faculty is responsible for. So you know, I think it makes sense that we and 1038 04:27:33.680 --> 04:27:39.359 ITC 105A: you know, make sense that the conflict groups and the core console because of where we are. 1039 04:27:39.670 --> 04:27:44.490 ITC 105A: But I think the we do that first. and then 1040 04:27:45.260 --> 04:27:46.720 ITC 105A: let me 1041 04:27:46.890 --> 04:27:49.579 ITC 105A: group or 6 the floor. 1042 04:27:49.690 --> 04:27:51.380 ITC 105A: and in 2 regions 1043 04:27:52.230 --> 04:27:57.849 ITC 105A: spend time looking at other people 1044 04:27:57.860 --> 04:28:08.109 ITC 105A: an opportunity to do more research and find out of the people that we recommend. Why would we recommend, and what value do they add to 1045 04:28:08.570 --> 04:28:13.300 ITC 105A: the institution? And I think that's that's what we need to do with with the other side. 1046 04:28:13.320 --> 04:28:15.550 ITC 105A: But the 4 1047 04:28:15.690 --> 04:28:22.550 ITC 105A: that are codified, our key constituents, greatest part of the institution 1048 04:28:23.020 --> 04:28:25.199 ITC 105A: faculty students and the staff. 1049 04:28:26.700 --> 04:28:33.459 ITC 105A: and they're not. They're alone. Just 2 regions. It's the motion is with 2 regions. Right? So you show your hand up. Reason why? 1050 04:28:33.740 --> 04:28:50.810 ITC 105A: Ii don't oppose giving more parameters as long as it doesn't become, then us classifying again, which is like circular II think, though II disagree with you, Regent Abercrombie, because 1051 04:28:50.880 --> 04:29:12.149 ITC 105A: wh. Everyone has their own interests, I mean, we all come from different backgrounds. I always advocate for athletics. That was part of my interview. And they said, How are you not gonna be biased to things like we all inherently are? And that's why we have the 4, because they do represent something, and that's what's important is that they do serve as a representation. So II think that 1052 04:29:12.180 --> 04:29:24.669 ITC 105A: us, even if we narrow it down to say, we need to have 3 community members or give parameters. I think that's okay, because they do represent a crucial part of our 1053 04:29:24.750 --> 04:29:34.539 ITC 105A: islands community that we want input. From so I don't know if if the bias I mean, maybe that that term is not correct is is 1054 04:29:34.550 --> 04:29:41.669 ITC 105A: bad. We want people that come from different communities and have different backgrounds to be giving that input. So that's just how I see it. 1055 04:29:42.300 --> 04:29:45.850 ITC 105A: Good discussion, any other discussion about the motion 1056 04:29:46.850 --> 04:29:48.230 ITC 105A: direct to. 1057 04:29:48.300 --> 04:29:54.199 ITC 105A: and we've been picking the regions yet. But 2 regions with the 4 formally recognized groups 1058 04:29:54.710 --> 04:30:09.319 ITC 105A: would propose to us 1212 Member Advisory 8 had 8 members to Advisory Group. There's an open question about. We give them more parameters. I'll just opine real quick. I agree with reason why 1059 04:30:09.740 --> 04:30:12.740 I have faith in those folks. I think they I don't think 1060 04:30:12.860 --> 04:30:28.189 ITC 105A: I don't agree. They have. They may be staff members, but I don't think they don't care about other perspectives. And we'd have 2 reasons in the group we would still have to approve. So if they propose to add 8 faculty members, we probably wouldn't approve that. 1061 04:30:28.410 --> 04:30:31.630 ITC 105A: So there's a check there. But that's just my opinion. 1062 04:30:32.170 --> 04:30:34.409 ITC 105A: Other regions, which is Abercrombie. No. 1063 04:30:34.540 --> 04:30:52.749 ITC 105A: I certainly never meant to imply. No, did I think II don't think I said that I didn't think they that the the 4 groups oh, and who they pick out of it would have after work off Carol. We're not talking about 4 groups. We're talking about 4 individuals that will come from the that. 1064 04:30:52.810 --> 04:30:54.629 ITC 105A: Those groups who will be 1065 04:30:54.650 --> 04:31:01.279 ITC 105A: the representatives didn't indicate otherwise I don't disagree with what you said at all. Quite the opposite. 1066 04:31:01.290 --> 04:31:04.610 ITC 105A: What I'm what I'm driving at is is, II think. 1067 04:31:04.890 --> 04:31:07.069 ITC 105A: and so they're already represented. 1068 04:31:07.110 --> 04:31:15.110 ITC 105A: and I think they're. And and I read again, friends, I asked you to think back 1069 04:31:15.290 --> 04:31:19.649 ITC 105A: on all the testimony we received and all the all the 1070 04:31:20.240 --> 04:31:22.090 ITC 105A: faculty staff 1071 04:31:22.410 --> 04:31:24.830 ITC 105A: Students 1072 04:31:25.470 --> 04:31:32.579 ITC 105A: were mentioned occasionally, alumni, over and over and over and over again. Virtually none of the testimony we received 1073 04:31:32.690 --> 04:31:42.489 ITC 105A: from the groups, either the groups that we've formally picked already, or representatives of the of the various other 1074 04:31:42.720 --> 04:31:46.390 ITC 105A: university and and college entities 1075 04:31:46.470 --> 04:32:03.220 ITC 105A: mentioned, mention the broader community, or how to how to pick somebody from that. That's all I'm saying is is that the natural inclination is, is. are we going to have faculty represented? Are we going to have staff representative? Are we going to have students represent? And the answer is, yes. 1076 04:32:03.440 --> 04:32:07.929 ITC 105A: that's been already decided that that's done. I'm just thinking that 1077 04:32:08.120 --> 04:32:11.610 ITC 105A: that we need to have a perhaps 1078 04:32:11.640 --> 04:32:15.149 ITC 105A: a different way of picking the other 8. And that may be 1079 04:32:15.740 --> 04:32:16.780 ITC 105A: the 1080 04:32:17.070 --> 04:32:24.900 ITC 105A: I'm not quite sure where the sunshine law comes in. IIII almost think we should do it, or that 1081 04:32:25.000 --> 04:32:26.210 ITC 105A: that. 1082 04:32:28.180 --> 04:32:29.910 ITC 105A: or or 1083 04:32:29.970 --> 04:32:38.380 ITC 105A: maybe that a PA pig can be put together to recommend names to the board. I don't know 1084 04:32:38.510 --> 04:32:43.870 ITC 105A: that that accomplish what I hope will will accomplish. 1085 04:32:44.860 --> 04:33:00.309 ITC 105A: I'm II it's a dilemma. I wish I had a more definitive. I apologize. I'm not more definitive about this other than I'm concerned that we need to have a broad section from the community. 1086 04:33:11.570 --> 04:33:16.249 ITC 105A: Thank you. With 2 regents to recommend 8 additional names 1087 04:33:16.779 --> 04:33:18.950 ITC 105A: up to up to 8, 1088 04:33:19.240 --> 04:33:27.630 ITC 105A: and we certainly could give them all the material and the the minutes for this meeting that they could consider, and I would count on the Regent reps to do the same. 1089 04:33:27.800 --> 04:33:34.130 ITC 105A: Is the opine on where region stands. Is there any further discussion about that motion before I take the vote? 1090 04:33:34.700 --> 04:33:42.569 ITC 105A: Yeah, I missed the first part of what you were saying. Were you suggesting that we, as regents, send my might. 1091 04:33:42.599 --> 04:33:49.950 ITC 105A: send names to the to the group for their consideration. I did II just was repeating them what the motion was which was 1092 04:33:50.410 --> 04:33:51.430 ITC 105A: to 1093 04:33:52.310 --> 04:33:56.870 ITC 105A: to assign the selection of up to 8 8 additional members. 1094 04:33:57.560 --> 04:33:59.099 ITC 105A: I think I said 1095 04:34:00.189 --> 04:34:10.450 ITC 105A: no more than 12 total. So that's actually yeah. No more than 12 total, maybe. Just say it that way. Yup. No more than 12 total 1096 04:34:11.050 --> 04:34:12.189 ITC 105A: members 1097 04:34:12.360 --> 04:34:21.330 ITC 105A: to the formally recognized groups plus 2 regions. That's the motion on the floor that we've been discussing. So I'm just checking if we're ready to move to a vote. 1098 04:34:22.700 --> 04:34:27.159 ITC 105A: So just a point of inquiry. 1099 04:34:28.419 --> 04:34:33.089 ITC 105A: if if that passes and and it moves forward, would it 1100 04:34:33.520 --> 04:34:34.710 ITC 105A: be 1101 04:34:35.460 --> 04:34:43.050 ITC 105A: out of line? And maybe, Carrie, you gotta tell me to whether this in terms of sunshine could names 1102 04:34:43.200 --> 04:34:47.269 ITC 105A: from anybody. for that matter, not just from from regents. But 1103 04:34:47.279 --> 04:34:59.280 ITC 105A: could I, as a region or anybody in the broader committee, send names to that group for the kind of consideration I think we could make that part of the motion that that 1104 04:34:59.790 --> 04:35:05.220 ITC 105A: that they needed to receive be open to receiving suggestions. 1105 04:35:06.259 --> 04:35:10.050 ITC 105A: talking about transparency and openness. Yep. 1106 04:35:11.180 --> 04:35:19.100 ITC 105A: Yup, and and that their process would not be governed by sunshine law, right as they craft the recommendation 1107 04:35:20.130 --> 04:35:35.299 ITC 105A: they can meet, they can discuss the recommendation they bring would be in the open. So yeah, so we we could note for the record as a friendly amendment, or just on the minutes that the expectation is that they are open to receiving suggestions from anyone. 1108 04:35:35.340 --> 04:35:47.279 ITC 105A: including regions. The the one concept is, if depending on the assigned task of this advisory group, the willingness of the members to keep things confidential. 1109 04:35:48.060 --> 04:35:49.630 ITC 105A: Right? So the 1110 04:35:50.640 --> 04:35:53.939 ITC 105A: we'd have to make it clear that 1111 04:35:54.040 --> 04:36:04.230 ITC 105A: there's expectations of the folks who are recommending recommended. and we would. We would apply that those members that they're recommending need to have been spoken to. And yeah. 1112 04:36:04.330 --> 04:36:05.250 ITC 105A: so 1113 04:36:05.810 --> 04:36:19.709 ITC 105A: all we would be getting back then, if we, if we proceeded this way, would be the the names recommended from the advisory group, and the names going in would remain confidential with them while they were making their decision about recommending. 1114 04:36:20.000 --> 04:36:28.040 ITC 105A: Thank you to keep them. Yeah, I'm overjoyed when Kerry is smiling behind my back. It's a rare occurrence. 1115 04:36:28.960 --> 04:36:31.240 ITC 105A: So for the 1116 04:36:31.439 --> 04:36:34.030 ITC 105A: for the motioner and the sender. 1117 04:36:34.550 --> 04:36:45.019 ITC 105A: can we consider those part of the motion that the these clear expectations is that they need to receive names, open process. 1118 04:36:45.050 --> 04:36:47.740 ITC 105A: and that they will keep those names confidential. 1119 04:36:48.400 --> 04:36:54.730 ITC 105A: But who they who? They who they deliver it? Yeah. So notes notes onto the motion. Yeah. 1120 04:36:55.050 --> 04:36:55.800 ITC 105A: okay. 1121 04:36:58.590 --> 04:37:03.929 ITC 105A: okay, that's so we know we're discussing is, there's no other discussion on a call for the vote. 1122 04:37:06.340 --> 04:37:10.549 ITC 105A: Okay? All those in favor of the motion as 1123 04:37:10.970 --> 04:37:13.180 ITC 105A: discussed and amended 1124 04:37:13.300 --> 04:37:16.999 ITC 105A: this signal by saying, Aye, any opposed? 1125 04:37:18.240 --> 04:37:19.520 ITC 105A: Great, okay. 1126 04:37:21.740 --> 04:37:23.110 ITC 105A: excellent. 1127 04:37:24.740 --> 04:37:26.780 ITC 105A: And so that 1128 04:37:27.259 --> 04:37:31.920 ITC 105A: actually tackles the 2 other buckets, which was the membership makeup 1129 04:37:32.009 --> 04:37:34.059 ITC 105A: and how they're going to be determined. 1130 04:37:35.180 --> 04:37:44.029 ITC 105A: So the next meeting for the cow is January eighteenth. That would be quite something to accomplish by then. 1131 04:37:44.450 --> 04:37:51.810 ITC 105A: So we may not. Yeah, if if at all possible. It'd be nice to have that group determined. 1132 04:37:52.000 --> 04:38:01.689 ITC 105A: That's the first opportunity we certainly now have to go, and we're making a request. They could certainly say, no, we won't do that for you, but I hope I hope they'll be amenable. 1133 04:38:01.980 --> 04:38:03.200 ITC 105A: Regent Malloy 1134 04:38:03.430 --> 04:38:12.650 ITC 105A: student caucus said. They can get a representative no later than the twentieth. So I would hope that other people can follow suit. 1135 04:38:12.900 --> 04:38:19.389 ITC 105A: Follow. Yeah. So that next. For to close up this one, we need to choose the 2 regions 1136 04:38:19.529 --> 04:38:28.880 ITC 105A: that we'll be taking on this task. anyone. Is anyone burning to take on this role. 1137 04:38:29.730 --> 04:38:30.980 ITC 105A: I'm not burning. 1138 04:38:30.990 --> 04:38:35.000 ITC 105A: but I'd like to say, cause mention was made. 1139 04:38:35.520 --> 04:38:44.319 ITC 105A: Stop me if I'm wrong, was mentioned, made in the open meeting or was mentioned made in the Co. In the executive session about the membership 1140 04:38:45.380 --> 04:38:49.950 ITC 105A: and about well, I just wanna say I'm up for confirmation. 1141 04:38:50.330 --> 04:38:59.299 ITC 105A: I that doesn't III do not want to be on. I'm not asking to be on that of the 2 quite the opposite. 1142 04:38:59.380 --> 04:39:04.649 ITC 105A: but I don't think that should be a consideration. We're we're, we're regents. 1143 04:39:04.860 --> 04:39:23.860 ITC 105A: and we're doing our job, and somebody else doesn't like it. Well, that's that's something we'll crawl. But II have full confidence in the in the 3 of us that are up, that we're doing a job is regents. And and that's the end of that. II agree. So I guess I'm starting off with anyone really want to take on this task. 1144 04:39:23.919 --> 04:39:29.889 ITC 105A: Regent Wilson is volunteering to be one of the regents. Vice chair. Lee, is anyone else? 1145 04:39:30.110 --> 04:39:32.520 ITC 105A: I nominate Regent Tochiki. 1146 04:39:33.140 --> 04:39:36.189 ITC 105A: Regent Sochi. Are you willing to accept that nomination 1147 04:39:42.160 --> 04:39:49.180 ITC 105A: between now and the eighteenth? I'm running a conference next week. you know, I mean so. 1148 04:39:49.380 --> 04:39:51.510 ITC 105A: But II yeah. 1149 04:39:53.110 --> 04:39:54.550 ITC 105A: But you could send names. 1150 04:39:56.110 --> 04:39:58.329 ITC 105A: Okay, if there's no one else. 1151 04:39:59.030 --> 04:40:06.490 ITC 105A: I'm gonna ask for a motion to approve vice Chair, Lee and Reg, and and and Vice Chair Wilson, as our representatives 1152 04:40:06.850 --> 04:40:11.780 ITC 105A: to this body I also nominate Regent Abrami. 1153 04:40:13.500 --> 04:40:18.830 ITC 105A: Are you ready? Are you willing to accept that nomination, general Army? No, I don't want. I don't want this to be a contest. 1154 04:40:19.180 --> 04:40:23.350 ITC 105A: I don't think so. I'm gonna put a lot of names in, though 1155 04:40:23.770 --> 04:40:26.729 ITC 105A: you hear that, Bernie. 1156 04:40:28.330 --> 04:40:29.490 ITC 105A: Anyone else. 1157 04:40:31.640 --> 04:40:35.530 ITC 105A: if not, can I get a motion for the 2 vice chairs to serve this role? 1158 04:40:36.570 --> 04:40:40.220 ITC 105A: Regent Haney move Regent Lew. Second, any further discussion. 1159 04:40:41.500 --> 04:40:44.089 ITC 105A: all those favor sealed by saying, Aye. 1160 04:40:44.200 --> 04:40:45.899 ITC 105A: aye, any opposed. 1161 04:40:47.860 --> 04:40:49.180 ITC 105A: any abstentions? 1162 04:40:50.350 --> 04:40:53.309 ITC 105A: Hello. but one abstention. 1163 04:40:54.740 --> 04:41:06.839 ITC 105A: I would. I? 1164 04:41:07.350 --> 04:41:08.610 ITC 105A: Aye, okay. 1165 04:41:10.070 --> 04:41:13.700 ITC 105A: So that process has been determined. 1166 04:41:13.730 --> 04:41:25.380 ITC 105A: we have parameters for a group, a process to select them. And urging to bring back recommendation as soon as possible. moving on to the next 1167 04:41:25.450 --> 04:41:35.260 ITC 105A: items on our agenda. It's a quick update. We do a quick update on the survey. Folks have referenced it multiple times. Okay. 1168 04:41:37.510 --> 04:41:44.159 ITC 105A: so yeah, as of yesterday, we did receive 828 responses and it's gonna continue 1169 04:41:44.400 --> 04:41:46.519 ITC 105A: until February 15 1170 04:41:49.920 --> 04:42:00.399 ITC 105A: maneval pine. I think it's a great initial response. We certainly want to make sure with. That continues, as I encourage everyone to throughout the State to fill that out region. Moai. 1171 04:42:02.880 --> 04:42:12.629 ITC 105A: can we get the once school starts again because I know a lot. Students are not looking or glance at their emails. Can we get the university 1172 04:42:12.780 --> 04:42:16.250 ITC 105A: email that they sent it out to resend it out again. 1173 04:42:16.570 --> 04:42:19.610 ITC 105A: Is that possible? After break is over? 1174 04:42:22.110 --> 04:42:25.369 ITC 105A: Okay, thank you. 1175 04:42:25.380 --> 04:42:45.230 ITC 105A: Next update is was already mentioned by by Shirley. you guys, delegated he and I to work with administration to get the Rfp. Out for the recruiting company assistance. II really wanna thank the team at for working over the holidays to meet those deadlines. So that got done. 1176 04:42:45.430 --> 04:42:51.380 ITC 105A: We do. The next step that I think was not clear in the authority given. 1177 04:42:51.410 --> 04:43:02.000 ITC 105A: That we wanna ask for is, if Regent leave Vice Shirley and I can continue to to make the selection of the recruiting firms. 1178 04:43:02.350 --> 04:43:08.230 ITC 105A: So what with with the assistance of someone from Hr, so be 3 of us. 1179 04:43:08.300 --> 04:43:11.080 ITC 105A: the criteria for checklist decided. 1180 04:43:11.130 --> 04:43:18.580 ITC 105A: But you guys didn't formally say we could decide. If we don't do that. then we'll need to bring that here to the full body. 1181 04:43:18.730 --> 04:43:26.190 ITC 105A: which will. you know there'll be other components of that sunshine law issues plus time issues 1182 04:43:26.370 --> 04:43:33.249 ITC 105A: with the authority we we can. What's the deadline? Again, what is the we're getting all the proposals back by. I'm not sure if Jan is here. 1183 04:43:34.570 --> 04:43:53.440 ITC 105A: Yeah. So we we won't be able to bring that to this board by the eighteenth. We won't get the submittals by then. so the soonest would be that first meeting in February. Even that would be a super tight turnaround. So there's that's one of the other reasons to differ. But 1184 04:43:54.400 --> 04:43:57.149 ITC 105A: happy to discuss that role. 1185 04:43:57.590 --> 04:44:06.750 ITC 105A: You want to say anything more about that. Well, I think we're reason for the human resources. Person is that they've done 1186 04:44:06.880 --> 04:44:09.230 ITC 105A: this process. But more. 1187 04:44:12.560 --> 04:44:13.360 ITC 105A: yeah. So 1188 04:44:14.910 --> 04:44:16.360 ITC 105A: which I mean 1189 04:44:18.050 --> 04:44:26.079 ITC 105A: in the end. Again, going back over all the the previous selections of President. 1190 04:44:26.980 --> 04:44:31.640 ITC 105A: the human resources, and any staff ended up 1191 04:44:32.480 --> 04:44:41.229 ITC 105A: doing the all the work. the research firm spent all the money and went through their song and dance. 1192 04:44:41.600 --> 04:44:49.769 ITC 105A: And then, in the end, the human resources folks here and and whoever was staff then 1193 04:44:49.940 --> 04:44:51.000 ITC 105A: ended up 1194 04:44:51.320 --> 04:44:54.990 ITC 105A: doing the actual logistics. All I'm saying is. 1195 04:44:55.350 --> 04:45:00.909 ITC 105A: I think we should have it no later than February. If they. If they. If you haven't got proposals you can 1196 04:45:00.970 --> 04:45:02.050 ITC 105A: deal with 1197 04:45:02.110 --> 04:45:07.019 ITC 105A: before then, then don't do it. and I hope I don't see any. 1198 04:45:07.750 --> 04:45:14.709 ITC 105A: I don't see any reason why we can't consider when they say search to. I don't see any reason why, we can't consider local firms 1199 04:45:14.790 --> 04:45:18.380 ITC 105A: that are experienced in in organizing. 1200 04:45:18.400 --> 04:45:29.390 ITC 105A: not just necessarily executive searches, but but deal in human resources deal deal with the question of of choosing leadership 1201 04:45:29.460 --> 04:45:33.049 ITC 105A: for various companies and groups, and so on. 1202 04:45:33.100 --> 04:45:45.950 ITC 105A: I don't know. I'm just looking at you, Diane, because of the the particular organization here with, I'm I'm assuming there was companies locally. Who? Who 1203 04:45:46.100 --> 04:45:52.340 ITC 105A: cause? I've worked. I've worked with local companies before that aren't necessarily professional search firms. 1204 04:45:52.350 --> 04:46:02.729 ITC 105A: but they're Hr. Firms, and they know how to organize for selection of people to take various tasks up on the executive level. 1205 04:46:02.850 --> 04:46:04.449 ITC 105A: just saying, I hope that it 1206 04:46:04.600 --> 04:46:13.289 ITC 105A: II I'm confident that you could go locally and get proposals in that you could make a decision to be presented to us by February. 1207 04:46:15.330 --> 04:46:17.570 ITC 105A: I'm also hoping we get those proposals. 1208 04:46:18.670 --> 04:46:19.999 ITC 105A: So the 1209 04:46:20.030 --> 04:46:28.539 ITC 105A: again, the record, the thing we wanted to clarify was, if the Board authority to Vice chair. Lee and I includes the selection of the proposals that come in. 1210 04:46:29.270 --> 04:46:36.849 ITC 105A: and if not, then the body wants to do that process. We can. It'll just take a little bit longer to actually get someone on board. 1211 04:46:38.210 --> 04:46:38.990 ITC 105A: Mike. 1212 04:46:41.030 --> 04:46:53.189 ITC 105A: The question I have, how are we getting that information out that you're looking for proposals, or is that already going out? It's already been posted, and so that normal ways that we beat those bushes. But II would say. 1213 04:46:53.950 --> 04:47:01.649 ITC 105A: those folks who know local firms that could do this work should be encouraging them to apply. So we at least we we can't, we can't. 1214 04:47:02.460 --> 04:47:13.060 ITC 105A: we can't. So so select them if they don't apply. But I just noticed that information out there. So now, locally. 1215 04:47:13.290 --> 04:47:21.480 ITC 105A: yeah, let me. Yes. Well, it it, you know. If it isn't, it should be cause we're talking about. I don't. I don't know that 1216 04:47:21.590 --> 04:47:25.599 ITC 105A: I couldn't opine on. Okay how the community is responding. 1217 04:47:25.760 --> 04:47:40.920 ITC 105A: I'm just pushing this a little right now that somebody's listed. Maybe maybe it would be in the paper right? The story, you know, that'd be added. Yes, maybe the media can say that we're actually looking for a search firm as opposed to fighting with one another. 1218 04:47:42.740 --> 04:47:45.379 ITC 105A: Alright. So Regent, I keep talking. 1219 04:47:46.970 --> 04:47:57.590 ITC 105A: So this is a little bit going back. Is that okay? Or should we wait till later? Is it about the question I have about whether we're authorized. No? Well can we close that one up first? And then, yeah. 1220 04:47:58.620 --> 04:48:13.210 ITC 105A: So if not, there's no issues. Can I get a motion to authorize vice, Shirley and I to work with a member from Hr. To select the recruiting firm. Regent Haney moved Regan Lu. Second, seeing no discussion, all those in favor saying, aye. 1221 04:48:13.310 --> 04:48:14.670 ITC 105A: any opposed 1222 04:48:15.220 --> 04:48:17.510 ITC 105A: congratulations or work. 1223 04:48:17.690 --> 04:48:22.370 ITC 105A: don't you? Can't go golfing? No, no golfing. Okay, 1224 04:48:22.610 --> 04:48:23.959 ITC 105A: Regent, I can talk to you. 1225 04:48:24.520 --> 04:48:31.449 ITC 105A: One thing I wanted to mention as see if everyone's in agreement a parameter for the 1226 04:48:31.690 --> 04:48:38.570 ITC 105A: the advisory group. Well, the the process we just approved to have the 4 1227 04:48:38.610 --> 04:48:42.310 ITC 105A: and then the 2 regions to come back with names 1228 04:48:42.560 --> 04:48:44.360 ITC 105A: in our pay report 1229 04:48:44.520 --> 04:48:51.849 ITC 105A: we talked at length about, you know, special interests and conflicts of interest, and disclosing those things, and so 1230 04:48:52.010 --> 04:48:55.880 ITC 105A: I. The language. Here was 1231 04:48:55.890 --> 04:49:08.979 ITC 105A: advisory group nominees shall disclose as a prerequisite to being considered any current or potential financial interest or other conflicts of interest in or relative to the University of Hawaii system, when being considered for the Advisory group. 1232 04:49:09.100 --> 04:49:20.510 ITC 105A: so I would hope that as part of screening and bringing forward these 12 names, that this would have been done in the group, so that 1233 04:49:20.690 --> 04:49:27.149 ITC 105A: that would be embarrassing for additionally embarrassing for people to be put forward in the 12, and then. 1234 04:49:27.380 --> 04:49:33.050 ITC 105A: you know, they didn't disclose this or that because they weren't asked to. So just putting that out there, that that's our 1235 04:49:33.130 --> 04:49:34.190 ITC 105A: request. 1236 04:49:39.360 --> 04:49:48.030 ITC 105A: and that the guidance and the the statement is that there's an expectation to follow those recommendations. Does that work? Okay? 1237 04:49:51.670 --> 04:49:52.360 ITC 105A: Yep. 1238 04:49:52.910 --> 04:49:57.770 ITC 105A: if if there's no other issues from the agenda list. 1239 04:49:57.930 --> 04:49:59.290 ITC 105A: We have come to that 1240 04:50:00.160 --> 04:50:02.510 scripts. I wanna be in 1241 04:50:03.180 --> 04:50:04.960 ITC 105A: representative assessment. 1242 04:50:05.750 --> 04:50:11.420 ITC 105A: Yeah, yes, yes, they're gonna what they're gonna bring recommend up to up to 12 1243 04:50:11.490 --> 04:50:17.280 ITC 105A: recommendations. Yeah, okay? So if there's nothing else, we're onto announcements. 1244 04:50:17.560 --> 04:50:22.519 ITC 105A: The next meeting is January eighteenth, 2024, at University Floyd West Oahu 1245 04:50:23.150 --> 04:50:33.309 ITC 105A: my right. II didn't miss anything. I'll I'll share my share. The knows that I I'm not able to make that meeting. Unfortunately. So he's prepared to 1246 04:50:34.010 --> 04:50:36.899 ITC 105A: to run the meeting vision. Moi. 1247 04:50:37.850 --> 04:50:41.330 ITC 105A: yeah. Did we 1248 04:50:42.170 --> 04:50:50.649 ITC 105A: make parameters for who they're gonna pick? Or did we not do that? It was it was not included in the motion. Nope. 1249 04:50:51.060 --> 04:50:52.410 ITC 105A: but 1250 04:50:52.430 --> 04:50:58.349 ITC 105A: my hope we. We will send them the minutes and the comments and the concerns, and that 1251 04:50:58.680 --> 04:51:04.350 ITC 105A: trust them to consider those things. Okay. yep. Regent Hainey. 1252 04:51:08.470 --> 04:51:17.000 ITC 105A: you know, being know how open comment. But I just wanted to emphasize everybody got the email from Christine and from Yvonne, relating to preparations for the heal. 1253 04:51:17.190 --> 04:51:22.580 ITC 105A: Yes, thank you. It's a important announcement. At this stage. 1254 04:51:22.840 --> 04:51:25.630 ITC 105A: It'll be a new new approach. 1255 04:51:25.650 --> 04:51:28.969 ITC 105A: 2 days. We started off with the best town. So 1256 04:51:29.220 --> 04:51:31.080 ITC 105A: as a 1257 04:51:32.960 --> 04:51:40.070 ITC 105A: anything specific about that, just making sure folks respond right? If they need rooms. And yeah. 1258 04:51:43.510 --> 04:51:49.619 ITC 105A: oh, okay. Monday, yeah. Folks we didn't know. We can book travel and hotels, and 1259 04:51:50.010 --> 04:51:54.510 ITC 105A: and don't forget it's a 2 day meeting, all right. Okay. 1260 04:51:56.980 --> 04:51:59.700 ITC 105A: they've already got a block of 1261 04:52:00.010 --> 04:52:07.859 ITC 105A: and and again, and we've been saying this lots. Thank you to the staff, or like this decision. To do this adds a whole bunch of other 1262 04:52:07.900 --> 04:52:10.669 ITC 105A: work for staff, including they have to travel 1263 04:52:11.030 --> 04:52:20.710 ITC 105A: right? So be away from family and things like that. So much appreciation to everyone. I also want to point out, in addition. 1264 04:52:20.710 --> 04:52:28.010 ITC 105A: just on the record. In addition to that conflict of interest, paragraph in the Pig Report, we also 1265 04:52:28.010 --> 04:52:51.040 ITC 105A: enumerated. Let's see non Board Member Advisory group members should have the following qualities that include knowledge of the institution and its aspirations, and willingness to learn more. The ability to rise above parochial concerns and mesh with a group that commits to serving the interest of the institution as a whole, the ability and willingness to maintain this, the searches confidentiality even after it concludes. 1266 04:52:51.430 --> 04:53:06.850 ITC 105A: and the ability to understand and abide by the the role that we're tasking them to do. And the paragraph I read earlier would be the last requirements. I just wanna emphasize. 1267 04:53:07.200 --> 04:53:34.929 ITC 105A: assume where there's no no objections. That's also the expectation we have of the representatives from the 4 formally recognized groups. Yes, Yup, yes, absolutely thanks for clarifying that and back to what Regent Mawai was just asking about the parameters. We did set some parameters. So 12 clarifies 12 no more than more than 12. But that includes the 2 regions. So it's really 6. 1268 04:53:34.990 --> 04:53:42.390 ITC 105A: Well, if the no, no, the no, the the 2 regions are only for the purpose of recommendations 1269 04:53:43.370 --> 04:53:49.080 ITC 105A: that if the regions are going to continue on the advisory group that has to be in the recommendation. 1270 04:53:49.550 --> 04:53:51.669 ITC 105A: but they would be part of the 12. 1271 04:53:52.910 --> 04:53:57.179 ITC 105A: No, no, the the motion was just that 1272 04:53:57.210 --> 04:53:59.339 ITC 105A: 2 regions and the 4 1273 04:54:00.360 --> 04:54:14.480 ITC 105A: formally recognized groups would give us a proposed list of names for the 12, and all 12 would be non regents. That's up to them. But they could. They could choose regions, not choose regions. 1274 04:54:15.540 --> 04:54:16.390 ITC 105A: Alright. 1275 04:54:16.580 --> 04:54:18.940 ITC 105A: and that 1276 04:54:19.540 --> 04:54:20.990 ITC 105A: those 4 represent 1277 04:54:21.100 --> 04:54:25.810 ITC 105A: would, I assume, suggest a representative from themselves. And then 1278 04:54:26.060 --> 04:54:33.060 ITC 105A: community members are to be represented in the total 12. That's our expectation. So there are some parameters 1279 04:54:33.200 --> 04:54:33.900 ITC 105A: we've 1280 04:54:34.690 --> 04:54:47.570 ITC 105A: put on the record. Yep. yes, and and if if regents are unclear we we can reconsider this and make sure we're crystal clear. digital. Moi. 1281 04:54:48.510 --> 04:54:56.540 ITC 105A: yeah. I was unclear when I voted on it, I guess, because I was thinking it was 12 total. not 1282 04:54:58.330 --> 04:55:03.349 ITC 105A: 12 additional. There is 12 total. But the wording was up to 12, 1283 04:55:03.890 --> 04:55:12.479 ITC 105A: and and up to 12 total total correct. So that's 4 4 plus 2 credence, 4% 4.8 1284 04:55:12.970 --> 04:55:26.930 ITC 105A: 4. We certainly can 1285 04:55:29.040 --> 04:55:37.709 ITC 105A: when the recommendations come forward, do. Is that subject to a vote? Then correct? Yes, only a recommendation. 1286 04:55:38.110 --> 04:55:48.349 ITC 105A: You know, I do want to say, though. It was discussed, and it not publicly. So I do want to see on the record that it was discussed that 1287 04:55:48.440 --> 04:55:57.630 ITC 105A: the possibility of the 2 regions continuing on, or to the 2 or corrections in general, on with the Advisory 1288 04:55:57.800 --> 04:56:00.400 ITC 105A: Committee Board 1289 04:56:01.480 --> 04:56:07.009 ITC 105A: in the future, just to to mention that publicly, so that that can be considered 1290 04:56:07.020 --> 04:56:08.230 ITC 105A: when 1291 04:56:08.370 --> 04:56:19.030 ITC 105A: the 6 come up with the 12 that they could, it was discussed to have 2 regions continue on with the 12 up to 12, and we just can certainly share 1292 04:56:19.390 --> 04:56:23.060 ITC 105A: even more of those details. The other truth is. 1293 04:56:23.330 --> 04:56:30.550 ITC 105A: if we have tell 12 advisory members that don't have regents and we assign them a task we could put up to 2 regions 1294 04:56:30.610 --> 04:56:33.689 ITC 105A: on that task. Yeah, yeah. 1295 04:56:34.460 --> 04:56:38.940 ITC 105A: are there any implications for sunshine law that would 1296 04:56:39.500 --> 04:56:54.759 ITC 105A: can complicate that. Not not if there's like 2 regions. That's what I thought. I just wanted to make sure. Right? Yeah, it's just the kind of thing that I appreciate you bringing it up. Those are the kind of things we're talking about. An exact session, right? Is all these details? Yep, good clarification. 1297 04:56:55.580 --> 04:57:06.199 ITC 105A: So so we're now all on the same page. What we voted on the regents are assigned just to help over the recommendations regions could be on or not. We'll see when that that comes up. 1298 04:57:06.350 --> 04:57:12.499 ITC 105A: and it's no more than 12. Total. Okay, great, alright. Any other announcements, questions, clarifications. 1299 04:57:13.920 --> 04:57:20.410 ITC 105A: if not. Thank you, guys all for your time and energy and commitment. This meeting is adjourned. 1300 04:57:23.380 --> 04:57:29.260 ITC 105A: There is speech in the back for all your hard work. See. you're not volunteers. You're getting fed.